You Gnome I Love YouYou Gnome I Love You Click here to download instructions
Hi to my beloved Friendship Quilters, While searching Pinterest I came across a block that won my heart. I sat right down and whipped the block up and it was so fun I thought it would be a perfect Friendship Block. The pattern is from Hello Melly Designs. I have attached the paper directions. Four fabrics: White on white + Red + Aqua + pink Block size: 8.5” x 9” Please use scant ¼” seams and sign your name or initials on the front on the aqua fabric near the corner so I can think of you whenever I gaze at the finished product. That’s all. . .a little bit of fabric. . .your precious time. . .and a bit of sewing fun. I think of all my Quilting friends and hope you and your families are safe and well. Sincerely, Janice Juul
Questions: Janice Juul juultj@att.net or 415 897-4549 You may mail the finished block to: Janice Juul, 20 Verissimo Drive, Novato, CA 94947 |