“Quilt Labels to Love!”
with David Owen Hastings
Jan 16th, 2025 to Jan 16th, 2025
Program: 10:00 on Zoom
I combine computer-printed custom labels with a woven logo label on my quilts to give them a professional finish, and to record important details for posterity (or for the recipient). Quilts are a wonderful art form, and you should sign your work with a distinctive label. It’s a great opportunity for you to consistently brand your quilts, especially those you gift to others at holidays or other special occasions.
It’s also an opportunity to weave in the story of your quilt, so the story doesn’t get lost. Was the quilt made for a special occasion? Was it made from a pattern, based on tradition, or is it a unique design? Who were the makers, and where was it made? Are there special fabrics used that require particular care? Imagine someone seeing your creation in the future: what would you want them to know?
I will walk participants through the steps to create these beautiful labels and will share alternate labeling methods that draw from my graphic design background.
Inspired by Architecture
with David Hastings
Jan 17th, 2025 to Jan 17th, 2025
Workshop: 9 am to 3 pm on Zoom
$60 for SRQG members
$70 for Nonmembers
David will guide you through a creative process for designing your own modern abstract quilts, taking inspiration from architectural photos to develop dynamic and unique quilt designs.
6 hours: Working from photos of architectural elements, David will guide you through the steps to design a mini modern fabric quilt… inspired by architecture! You will learn the quilt-as-you-go method, sewing the top pieces, batting and backing simultaneously. You’ll then add texture and complexity with David’s unique approach to walking foot machine quilting where the quilting lines become a major design element. Learn to connect multiple quilted units with a great gusset join technique, then add a simple face binding for a modern finish.
Trunk Show
with Suzanne Starjash
Feb 20th, 2025 to Feb 20th, 2025
Program :10:00 am in Person
My mother was my first artistic influence, and I am grateful for her encouragement. I enjoyed sewing in high school and took art classes in college. I loved seeing colorful fabric in sewing stores, but knew I would never make a garment with them. During the time I spent in the working world, weekend gardening and cooking were my main creative outlets, but I have carried an innate creativity with me throughout my life and always hoped to explore further opportunities to work with images and colors.
I didn’t begin working with cloth artistically until I retired and moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Republic of Panama. My original hope was to paint with watercolor or oil on canvas. I located a fabric store before I found art supplies, however, and I had included my sewing machine in the items shipped to my new home. Since no one needs a quilt in the Central American tropics, I decided on decorative wall hangings for my new creative journey.
The native Cuna Indian women of Panama make wonderful handstitched molas with layers of fabric that depict local flora, fauna, and special events. Their bright tropical colors and fanciful subjects were an immediate inspiration for my first designs, and the jungle environment, quilting books, and input from friends soon followed. As I discovered more fabric stores with prints I liked, and learned more techniques, I invented new methods for each new project.
After returning to California and moving to northern Sonoma County, I connected with other quilters and started to learn the vocabulary and standard procedures of quilting. The classes I took were helpful and inspirational. My one concern was not to be overly influenced by teachers and lose my originality.
To stay spontaneous, I like to make each wall hanging quite different from those I have previously done. Trial, error, and perseverance are part of my creative process with every art quilt I make. I am ever watchful for new inspiration and enjoy learning new techniques.
Suzanne Starjash
Playing with Colors
with Cindy Gresdela
Mar 20th, 2025 to Mar 20th, 2025
Program : 10 am on Zoom
Cindy Grisdela is an award-winning artist who’s happiest in her studio surrounded by piles of colorful fabrics. In this lecture and trunk show, she’ll use examples of her work over the last 30 years to take away some of the mystery about choosing colors effectively for your quilts. Not sure what colors “go” together? This is the lecture to reduce your stress about color!
Improv Puzzle
with Cindy Gresdela
Mar 21st, 2025 to Mar 21st, 2025
Workshop: 9 am to 1 pm on Zoom
$50 for SRQG members
$60 for Nonmembers
Create Improv Log Cabin style blocks in a variety of sizes and put them together into a unique composition–like a jigsaw puzzle. You don't have to use a ruler for cutting unless you want to and each quilt will be unique. We will discuss color choices and using simple design principles to create an original dynamic composition. Basic sewing skills and beginner to advanced level.
Sew Day
with Jan Andrews
Apr 17th, 2025 to Apr 17th, 2025
Program: 10 am to 2 pm, in person (VB)
Our program for April 17th, 2025, will be a “Sew Day”. Bring your sewing machine, work on some hand work, cut out your fabric for the next project or just sit and chat with your fellow guild members. We will have some games and lots of fun. We will have Jan Andrews showing us the process of EPP (English Paper Piecing) Come join us for a fun filled day of sewing, games and more.
My Favorite Part of Life, Embellishing
with Rhonda Denny
May 15th, 2025 to May 15th, 2025
Program: 10 am in person
Be excited, inspired and willing to play outside the ordinary box.
Think about colors, natural elements, prefabricated, organic and/or ordinary.
Every *pretty* audition may or may not make the cut.
Lay your ideas out and imagine what makes you happy. When you have a great combination, take a picture and this will help jog the memory.
Take your time, if it feels good keep going, if not stop or unsew.
I find that my pieces tell me what they want and when to stop.
Depending on the project, like my sparkly head band, I like big chunky pieces followed by filling them in with seed beads and such.
If beading is your thing, you will want beading needles (small eye, super thin needle).
Have fun, when we are inspired, we are in spirit!
with Rhonda Denny
May 16th, 2025 to May 16th, 2025
Workshop: 9AM – 2:30 PM LBA&GC
$20.00 - 20 students
Depending on the project, like my sparkly head band, I like big chunky pieces followed by filling them in with seed beads and such.
Use a tray with a towel (to keep items on the tray) my favorite is a tv tray.
Utilize small boxes and tins to put your pretties in (such as jewelry boxes).
Sort your elements in a way that makes sense.
If beading is your thing, you will want beading needles (small eye, super thin needle).
Have fun, when we are inspired, we are in spirit!
Anyone interested in indulging in this rich endeavor is welcome to shop in my drawers as a gift, take what you want. I want all my people to have what the need to be a success.
I will be providing a lot of materials. A tray, some small boxes or the like, a cloth to spill your beads upon. Beads, beads and more beads, everyone will receive beads, and bobbles, trims, buttons and jewelry. We can make eye candy. I will bring the foundation for a mini quilt slightly larger than a business card. Bring a quilt you might like to embellish, and we’ll brainstorm together for bedazzling.
Bring lunch and some yummy to share. Full kitchen access. Weather permitting, there is a lovely outdoor garden and a seating area for lunch. Please volunteer to help with set up and clean-up
The Beauty of the Imperfect
with Jenny Lyon
Jun 19th, 2025 to Jun 19th, 2025
Program: 10am to 11am - on Zoom
I use my domestic sewing machine to create art quilts and wearable art. My work has been juried into a variety of major shows including Houston and Paducah as well art galleries and SAQA exhibits. Some are held by private collectors. I have been joyfully teaching the art of free motion quilting since 2006. My classes are encouraging, supportive, and light-hearted. I teach at various guilds, shops, and events throughout the country as well as at major international shows. I call myself the Quilt Skipper because once while quilting my own quilt, I was so delighted by the unexpected beauty of it and what emerged from my needle, that I found myself cheerfully skipping around the house when I took my breaks. It is my joy to create art with free motion quilting. I live in Northern California with my oh-so-patient hubby. Our two grown sons have left the nest to become men, leaving more room for books, fabric and notions
The imperfect is beautiful! I’ll show you inspiring and encouraging examples of my work as well as the work of world-renowned quilters and artists that are beautiful in their imperfection and I’ll share my journey to imperfection.
Blooming Sheer
with Jenny Lyon
Jun 20th, 2025 to Jun 20th, 2025
Workshop: 9am to 3pm – on Zoom
$50.00 for SRQG Members
$60.00 for Nonmembers
This is just pure fun! Let’s play with squares of sheer fabric, layering them on a quilted background to create colorful effects. This is color theory without color wheels or rules, just playing with color like a Kindergartner! This is a great class for a timid free motion quilter and more experienced quilters can add quilted plants, insects, animals…. This is a joyful class with a minimal supply list – does it get any better than that?
Kit can be purchased
Trunk Show
with Barbara Derringer
Jul 17th, 2025 to Jul 17th, 2025
Program: 10:00 am in person
You might say I have been a “Fabric Artist” since I was four years old. My
grandmother handed me some fabric, needle and thread teaching me hand
sewing. Once the basics were learned she taught me sewing on her sewing machine
(a treadle machine). Grandma taught me quilting then my mother started teaching
me clothing. I was making my own clothes by the time I was 6 or 7, with mom’s
critiquing of course. I have continued thru life doing both always remembering
what they both told me – learn the basics then go “outside the box” and make it
different, make it yours. I like designing and making clothing but LOVE designing
and making quilts. I am very lucky to have had my two wonderful teachers and
that is why I started teaching. I want to pass on what I have learned in hopes that I
can give someone the joy I have in creating what I do and hopefully to pass it on to
the future.
Barbara will be showing us some of her wonderful art that she has created over the years.
Christmas Tree Skirt
with Barbara Derringer
Jul 18th, 2025 to Jul 18th, 2025
Workshop: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the LBA & GC.
$50.00 for SRQG Members
$60.00 for Nonmembers
Ho! Ho! Ho! Yes, Christmas is just around the corner! Here’s an addition to your Christmas decorations to put under your tree. It looks harder than it is but actually it’s quite easy once you get everything cut out. Make it fun and colorful as I did or make it classic – fabrics make the difference. Remember you are the designer so make it yours to go with your decor. As you can see in the sketch, it consists of eight panels – four Santas and four trees. The finished skirt is approximately 29” deep and 216” around. Enjoy making this as I did and have a wonderful Holiday Season
Everything but the Cotton
with Julia Mcleod
Aug 21st, 2025 to Aug 21st, 2025
Program: 10:00 am, in person at the Vets Building
Julia McLeod is a quilt maker living and working in northern California’s San Francisco Bay Area
She specializes in making quilts from rescued textiles, particularly silks. Neckties, saris, kimono and furnishing fabrics all find their way into her quilts
Born and raised in England, Julia worked as a menswear textile designer in the woolen- and worsted mills of Yorkshire and Scotland, and later for a company on Savile Row, in the heart of London’s bespoke tailoring industry
She moved to New York City in the early 1990’s, and America has been her home ever since Julia enjoys lecturing and teaching about quilting-making with unusual and reclaimed textiles
When quilters don’t have access to a stash of quilter’s cotton, what do they turn to? In this one-hour lecture, trunk show and Q & A session we will explore quilts – antique and modern – made of wool, silk, polyester and more. We’ll observe how the use of unusual materials gives rise to alternative construction techniques and design choices.
The trunk show of Julia’s work shows what you can create with neckties, saris, kimonos and other unusual, ‘not cotton’ textiles
Fabric Foundation Piecing
with Julia Mcleod
Aug 22nd, 2025 to Aug 22nd, 2025
Program: 9 am to 3 pm in person at LBA&GC
Members $50.00
Non-Members $60.00
In this 6-hour workshop you will learn how to achieve precise blocks by piecing onto a printed fabric foundation. This technique brings accuracy and stability to textiles that can be slippery and quick to fray
We will create two traditional blocks: Grandmother’s Fan and Flying Geese
Your $15 ‘Flying Circus’ kit includes the foundation pieces necessary to complete the class sample shown which comprises 4 fans and 4 borders of flying geese. In person workshops will receive the kit in class.
Your Mind Matters with Quilters on Fire
with Brandy Maslowski
Oct 16th, 2025 to Oct 16th, 2025
Program: 10:00 am on Zoom
Brandy Maslowski is a quiltmaker and artist who somehow managed to turn her love of quilting into a career that takes her around the globe as a teacher, speaker, tour guide and quilt judge. She’s the author of children’s picture book Kristy’s Quilt and the Editor of Quilting Arts and QuiltCon magazines, all while curating amazing guests for the weekly Quilter on Fire Podcast. Her workshops, ranging from modern improv to fiber art, are designed to gently (and sometimes hilariously) nudge quilters into artfulness. Brandy’s art quilts explore themes like healing, growth, humor and the joy of friendship—because quilts tell a story and, let’s face it, quilting should always come with a side of fun.
YOUR MIND MATTERS with the Quilter on Fire – This lecture and trunk show provides a feature of quilts, textile art and processes that tell the story of Brandy’s path to healing. With consistent practices in self-care, learning, and creativity to live happily rather than searching for happiness, she discovered along the way that bringing joy to others through her podcasts, teaching and travel fills her cup every day.
Serenity Cruise Pattern
with Brandy Maslowski
Oct 17th, 2025 to Oct 17th, 2025
Workshop: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Zoom
Members - $50.00
Non-Members - $60.00
This Machine Class is such a fun and easy intro to curved piecing! If you’ve never tried it, this is the class for you. Cutting fabric in advance is required for this class. We start off the morning with some easy 4 patch piecing and then tackling those giant curves before lunch. In the afternoon, you will learn the stripy blocks rounding out all 3 techniques that you need to assemble the quilt top.
Pattern fee discounted to $8.00 for students.
with New Members
Nov 20th, 2025 to Nov 20th, 2025
Program: In Person
Debbie Ward – Program Chair
We will hear from our new members and what they have been up to this past year.
Have they been taking classes, are they learning new processes?
How long have they been quilting?
Can’t wait to find out!