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Rena Ferrero, Debbie Faris-Cole and Kay Hartman

Rena Ferrero, Debbie Faris-Cole and Kay Hartman

Patty Zack

Patty Zack

Pam McVey and Kar Hofmann

Pam McVey and Kar Hofmann

Pam Beebe and Elaine Tucker

Pam Beebe and Elaine Tucker

Norma Viglienzone

Norma Viglienzone

Mary Helmke and Leti Dueñas

Mary Helmke and Leti Dueñas

Margo Pitter and Sue Stone

Margo Pitter and Sue Stone

Lorna Fiori and Helen Anderson

Lorna Fiori and Helen Anderson

Leslie Kruse and Lyra Bobo

Leslie Kruse and Lyra Bobo

Judy Lindberg

Judy Lindberg

Janet Tonkin, Kathy Rathbun and Barbara Southard

Janet Tonkin, Kathy Rathbun and Barbara Southard

Janel Sugiyama and Betty Upchurch.

Janel Sugiyama and Betty Upchurch.

Jan Andrews

Jan Andrews

Jackie Pitts

Jackie Pitts

Gale Davis

Gale Davis

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