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Janel Sugiyama and Betty Upchurch.

Janel Sugiyama and Betty Upchurch.

Jan Andrews

Jan Andrews

Jackie Pitts

Jackie Pitts

Gale Davis

Gale Davis

Elizabeth McDonnell, Heidi Eliot and Marilyn Avrit

Elizabeth McDonnell, Heidi Eliot and Marilyn Avrit

Diane LaFoe and Cherie Gooler

Diane LaFoe and Cherie Gooler

Diana Watson, Pat Fratis (holding Darby), Cecile Clabaugh, and Judy Pudoff

Diana Watson, Pat Fratis (holding Darby), Cecile Clabaugh, and Judy Pudoff

Carolle LeMonnier and Georgiann Morrissey

Carolle LeMonnier and Georgiann Morrissey

Carol Elliott and Genelle Voorhees

Carol Elliott and Genelle Voorhees

Barbara Lindquist and Janice Juul

Barbara Lindquist and Janice Juul

Leslie Kruse

Leslie Kruse

Sue Gragg

Sue Gragg

Lyra Bobo

Lyra Bobo

Lisa Gamble

Lisa Gamble

Gina Stateler-Calhoun

Gina Stateler-Calhoun

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