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Pam Beebe

Pam Beebe

Stretcher Quilt

Stretcher Quilt

Stretcher Quilt

Stretcher Quilt

Stretcher Quilt

Stretcher Quilt

Crazy Quilt

Crazy Quilt

Jan Andrews, Joanie Bellinghausen, Judy Mathieson and Carol Jarvis

Jan Andrews, Joanie Bellinghausen, Judy Mathieson and Carol Jarvis

Linda Ziemer

Linda Ziemer

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

Holiday Room Decorations

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