
Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Healdsburg Senior Living Community – Antique Quilt Show, Speaker Julie Silber – Wants your quilts to show

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Dear Members, Note: attached is the flier for the Antique Quilt Road Show as well as the release form needed to enter your own quilts in the show. FLYER Quilt Show Release Form Healdsburg Senior Living Community is hosting an Antique Quilt Road Show with Special Guest Speaker, Julie Silber This will be held on […]

Some of the Upcoming Quilt Shows/Exhibits

Monday, January 30th, 2012

There are several Quilt Shows/Exihibits. I’ve listed the names, dates, and contacts below. The flyers/postcards will be in the Quilt Show basket in the back of the room for the next meeting. Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild’s Annual Quilt Show — 2/10 through 2/12 eileen.crawford33@yahoo.com. San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles Quilt National 11 […]

SRQG Award Winners at the Sonoma County Fair

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

SANTA ROSA QUILT GUILD SONOMA COUNTY FAIR 2011 AWARD WINNERS Helen Anderson: Best of Show,Best of Section ,First Carol Jarvis w/daughter Ellen Swedberg: Best of Section (group quilts), Peoples’ Choice Linda Morand: Dorrie Whipple Award (best machine quilting), First Christy Detweiler: Best Color and Design (MQSC),Third Carol Jarvis: Fourth Joyce Marty: First, Second, Fifth Nancy […]

A Few Notes from Our 2011 Workshop Chairs

Friday, November 26th, 2010

We would like to thank everyone for their positive comments regarding the 2011 workshop lineup! Workshop fees are $45 for quilt guild members including Moonlighters and Petaluma Quilt Guild. Occasionally there will be an additional fee for patterns or materials supplied by the teacher. In the back of the meeting room is a binder which […]

Rollin’ Rhonda Reports: Sylvia Davis Workshop

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

Sylvia Davis is one talented and funny gal! Her lecture on ‘Ethnic Fabric Quandary’ was delightful, engaging, and inspiring. I’ve been sitting on a stash of “ethnics” for a while and I am pleased to have some direction. The ‘African Triad’ workshop the day after the program was just this side of a hoot and […]

Rollin’ Rhonda Reports on PIQF

Monday, October 18th, 2010

The bus trip down to the Pacific International Quilt Festival was an absolute pleasure. I’m still a little overwhelmed by the whole experience. I feel like every moment had purpose and goodwill. There were more smiles than can be counted and so many lovely works of art and labors of love. Due to great excitement […]

Wounded Warrior Battalion Update

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

From: Therese Thomas Subject: WWB quilts and Family Day August 2010 To: Theresetax@sbcglobal.net Date: Monday, August 23, 2010, 4:49 PM Last Thursday there was another Family Day at the Wounded Warrior Battalion – West at Camp Pendleton. This time they held it along the shores of Lake O’Neill. (You know I’ve never asked about the […]

Rollin’ Rhonda Reports

Monday, June 21st, 2010

The Jane Sassaman Project   Friday, June 18th, Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center, 8:15 am: Jane flew in from the Midwest as if a she were a gently wafting curtain in a late spring breeze carrying the fragrance of sweet peas.  I called the class to order with my school bell – I do […]

Oopsie! by Rhonda Denny

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Oopsie! Opportunity: How I fell into the quilt rack(et) Approximately two years ago I was asked if I might help Glenda R. with the Opportunity Quilt. Not knowing what this meant, I said Yes. Glenda and I had a quick pow-wow over the phone. She let me know that she could use new venues to […]

November Workshop with Diane Steele

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

Here are the highlights from the Diane Steele Workshop, “One Block Wonder”. Class participants began working by ironing their fabrics. Next step was measuring the repeats in the fabric. Notice how everyone’s head is down, such concentration and decisions! Hey, you just broke my concentration! The next step was to cut your strips into lengths. […]