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Archive for the 'Guild News' Category

Needed: Laptop for SRQG Membership

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REQUESTWe were just thinking how so much of the business of living is now online, or at least on disc, and how enabling all of it is when we know how to make use of it.  Then we got to thinking how absolutely fabulous it would be to retire the old file card […]

Membership Committee Position Available

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

FROM: THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE              Department of Human Resources    We are quite pleased with all that our committee has been able to accomplish.  Having joined this committee with Marilyn Vitali, about 18 months ago, I know quite well how much she has contributed to our success and it’s a lot.  She would like to pursue […]

Stitch n’ Times

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

Thank you Jan! The newest edition of our Stitch n’ Times is ready to read, download and enjoy! In full color here on the website! ~Angie

Show and Tell Pictures

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

All the April Show n’ Tell pictures are now available on the Website! I was away at a quilting retreat and missed the first meeting in April, so I’m  late this month updating the pictures. I had fun at the retreat, and from seeing all the Show n’ Tell images–all of you were having fun too! Great […]

Opportunity Quilt Winners!

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

This past week the guild had the 2006/2007 Opportunity Quilt drawing. The wall hanging "Greetings from the Wine Country" was won by La Nor Francis, Healdsburg, CA. The "Offset Log Cabin" quilt was won by Barbara Cortelyou, Santa Rosa, CA. Congratulations to both winners! Pam McVey (rt.) and Janet  Shore (back lft.) with La Nor Francis, the Winner! […]

April 5th Business Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild The meeting was called to order by Vice-president Linda Hooper at 10:00 AM. New members and guests were introduced and welcomed. MINUTES:  The March minutes are on the blog.  Linda asked for questions or corrections.  Lavella Cassinelli moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Judith Clark seconded.  Accepted..  A copy […]

April 5th Sewing Room SALE!

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

Greetings, Details about the Sewing Room Sale on Thursday, April 5th, 2007 All members are invited to spring clean their sewing rooms, homes, garages, husbands workshops, etc. Bring the items pre-priced to the meeting.  The sale will happen AFTER THE MEETING.  If you are able to claim a space to set up before the meeting, […]

Stitch n’ Times

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

The full color edition of the April issue of Stitch n’ Times is now on the website!  Jan has  packed this issue with information on upcoming events, workshop news, pictures, and also—–  the yummy recipes from the Tri-Guild luncheon (which are only available with your online edition of Stitch n’ Times).  Thank you Jan!—another great newsletter!   

Show n’ Tell Pictures

Sunday, March 18th, 2007

Hey! want to see some beautiful quilting projects? Check out the current Show n’ Tell pictures! Inspiring! Awesome! and Wow!  what talent! All the March pictures have been uploaded to the website….Enjoy!  ~Angie

Wounded Warrior Center at Camp Pendleton

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

March 2007 Update from Lavella Cassinelli, Community Quilt Project Chairperson. The LA Times article that I shared with you last week was a particularly nice **use** of the press by the USMC.  After all the bad press that Walter Reed Hospital has gotten, the folks at the WWC got out the news that the USMC can […]