The Blog

Archive for March, 2007

Wounded Warrior Center at Camp Pendleton

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

March 2007 Update from Lavella Cassinelli, Community Quilt Project Chairperson. The LA Times article that I shared with you last week was a particularly nice **use** of the press by the USMC.  After all the bad press that Walter Reed Hospital has gotten, the folks at the WWC got out the news that the USMC can […]

Mystery Quilters

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

For those of you didn’t take the class and missed out on the fun………..I am having a small group at my home next Wed. 3/21 at 9:30 am to teach themystery class again.  It should take about two hours to go through all thesteps and finish the first several blocks.  You are welcome to stay […]

Feedblitz Not Working

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Thank you everyone who has contacted me regarding Feedblitz email notificatioin not working. I’m aware it has not automatically sent out messages in the last 24 hours.  Sorry this is happening.  Hopefully you are still coming here daily and checking the Blog messages.  I have contacted Feedblitz and hopefully it will be up and running soon. ~AngieSRQG […]

Show n’ Tell

Saturday, March 10th, 2007

All the Show n’ Tell pictures have now been uploaded to the website for viewing. Joanie B. also took lots of pictures at the Tri-Guild Luncheon, and I’ve uploaded those to the website as well. Thanks Joanie! Everyone– Enjoy!

Esterila Austins “Misty Fuse”

Saturday, March 10th, 2007

I was wondering if anyone has used Esterila Austins "Misty Fuse". It is supposed to be lightweight and very pliable. I found this on sale at: But would appreciate some feedback on this fairly new product. (sounds good) but I wonder how it works if there is no paper to trace onto??? like Wonder-Under. — Thanks! ~Angie

The Website and Blog

Saturday, March 10th, 2007

Hi Everyone! I was looking over the stats of the website and the blog this a.m. We average over 743 hits on the website on any given day! and even more members and visitors read the Blog.  That is encouraging news that our guild members and also other guilds that are linked here are using the website/blog on […]

New Member Orientation March 15th

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

New Member Orientation  This includes not so new— is scheduled for March 15th in the 1:00 pm *TSW time slot, following the meeting and lunch.  A special name tag project, designed and assembled by Angie Kiker, will be available at no cost for all new members (and newish).  It has clear instructions and even if you […]

SRQG Business Meeting 3/1/07 Minutes

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

SANTA ROSA QUILT GUILDBUSINESS MEETING3-1-07 The meeting was called to order by Pam McVey, Pres., at 10:05 a.m.She introduced several guests and new members. An informal committee presented Dennis and Norma Viglienzone with the quilt many members made to honor their son, Caesar, who lost his life just over a year ago in service in […]

Free: Antique Wood Quilt Frame

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

Susan Fredricks of Cloverdale has a wooden, antique quilt frame she’d like to give away to a loving home.   Her phone number is 707-894-3767 —or you can e-mail her at