Home of the Brave Quilt Project
This quilt and its side panels was made by the California Chapters of the Home of Brave Quilt Project and contains the names of California’s fallen heroes and their home towns
Begun by Citrus Belt Quilters Guild, Redlands, Ca, in Aug 2004, under the guidance of member Don Beld—Home of the Brave Quilt Project is a grassroots movement that makes replicas of Civil War soldiers’ quilts to honor the fallen heroes of Op. Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Op. Iraqi Freedom for presentation to the families of the fallen. These quilts, like the originals, measure 48 by 84” and are being made by individuals and groups in all states. As of December 2007, close to 2800 quilts have been made and given. The project has been officially recognized by the Department of Defense and is listed at their website www.americasupportsyou.mil , which carries information to active duty service personnel and their families about civic and charitable organizations that support the military and their families.
This movement accepts NO government or corporate sponsorship or donation; each quilt is a gift of love from the hearts of the makers to the hearts of the families of the fallen hero. For more information, see there website www.homeofthebravequilts.com/