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Janet Shore Trunk Show

April 30th, 2013

Janet Shore, our very own guild member was our guest speaker for the November 2012 Program meeting. She shares with us a trunk show of many quilts, their history, and her journey of quilting.

Janet does beautiful work and has been quilting for almost 40 years. Her studies have led her to travel to symposiums and workshops across the United States to study with master teachers. In addition she has traveled to Japan, France and England where she attended the University of London’s program in needlework and quilting.

Her quilts have appeared in numerous publications and exhibitions with the country’s leading quilters. Janet has judged and curated quilt shows, and has been interviewed by the news media about quilt shows. She has taught many classes in quilting and wearable art. She is also one of the founding members of East Bay Heritage Quilters, (EBHQ), and severed many years on their board of directors.

2013 Opportunity Quilt Winner – Ellindale Wells

April 12th, 2013

The very lucky winner of our 2012-2013 Opportunity Quilt, “Santa Rosa Beauty”, was drawn on April 4th at our regular meeting. The winner is one of our own members, Ellindale Wells.
A big THANK YOU to all the members who helped create this wonderful quilt and to all who participated in selling the many tickets.

The following is a “Thank you” from Ellindale Wells:

Dear Santa Rosa Quilt Guild members –
Thank you so much for the wonderful quilt, the Santa Rosa Beauty, and certainly a beauty it is.
Until I had it on my lap, showing it off to my husband, I hadn’t noticed all the tiny details, and I could really appreciate the fine hand work that went into it. Hours and hours of work.
As I told the women who created it, I had not even considered the possibility that I would win it, and I was dumbstruck. Not often that I am without words! It was a completely unexpected surprise. I didn’t even have the wherewithal to whoop and holler. And this quilt is definitely something to whoop and holler about! I feel exceptionally lucky to have won it. It is a masterpiece, and will be cherished.

With sincere thanks,
Ellindale Wells

Minestrone Soup Recipe

April 12th, 2013

Due to the many requests, we are providing the recipe for the Minestrone Soup that was served at the Tri-Guild Luncheon in the Recipes section of the BLOG –
Minestrone Soup Recipe

December 2012 – Business Meeting Minutes

December 19th, 2012

Dec 2012 Minutes

November 2012 Business Meeting Minutes

November 28th, 2012

Nov. 1 Minutes

October Business Meeting Minutes

October 29th, 2012

Oct. 4, 2012 Minutes

Minutes of Sept. 20, 2012

October 15th, 2012

Founders Day Minutes

September 6, 2012 Business Meeting Minutes

September 30th, 2012

Business Meeting Minutes

Aug. 16, 2012 – Speaker Meeting Minutes

September 17th, 2012

16 Aug 2012 Minutes

August 5, 2012 Minutes of Business Meeting

September 3rd, 2012

5 Aug 2012 Minutes