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Sharon’s Block Enlargement/Reduction Chart

August 16th, 2012

At a recent guild meeting I mentioned that if someone liked a pattern but it was the wrong size it could easily be enlarged or reduced with the help of a copy machine.

I am attaching a primitive chart that I made showing the “math” (a four-letter word for some).

If you have a block that is 6 inches and you want it to be enlarged to 9 inches, find the 6 on the left side. Find the 9 on the top row. Where they intersect you will find 150%. That is how much you will have to set the copy machine to enlarge your block!

If you have a 10 inch block and you want to turn it into a 5 inch pattern, find the 10 on the left side, find the 5 across the top, and where they intersect you will find 50%. That is how much you will set the copy machine to in order to reduce your block size.

Hope this helps! Of course, if all else fails, just take your pattern to a copy store and ask them to help you!!! Block Enlarge/Reduce Chart
– Sharon ‘the Librarian’ Fry

About Color Catching Sheets & More…

August 16th, 2012

There have been some emails about making color catchers and other hints for helping with running colors….

#1 – Here is a link to making your own “Color Catcher Sheets” as provided by Lori Platt.

#2 – “So instead of reinventing the “wheel,” here is my suggestion: check out synthrapol in the washing machine with a variety of fabrics. See “rupert, gibbon and spider” and then click on synthrapol. You can order it from RG&S or buy it locally at art stores. You need to use rubber gloves. I used the product over 30 years ago. Need more info, call or email me.” JUNE MOES

#3 – “Dharma Trading Company has a cheaper, non toxic detergent that works as well as Synthrapol. No need for the rubber gloves. Sythrapol is toxic. Dharma’s warehouse is in Petaluma, so no need to pay shipping if you call in an order and then go pick it up..” Linda Morand

AND my comments –These are all great ideas and if you haven’t visited DHARMA’s shop in San Rafael, you have missed a real treat.
AND, also, I think making some of the color catching sheets would make a great Christmas Gift for my family members. I have bought the commercial ones and do use them over a second time if there isn’t too much color in them.

SRQG Tid Bits –

August 16th, 2012

**The handout for Jan Robinson’s TSW on making dresses for African children is now on our website, on the TSW page.

**Check your calendars – the Fall Home Show is Sept 21,22, and 23. We need volunteers to sell raffle tickets and boutique items. Glenda Ross

Lake Tahoe Quilt Retreat 2012

August 16th, 2012

Congratulations to Phyllis G. and all the lucky quilters (and spouses) who participated in the quilt retreat. It looks like a terrific success.

Check out the BLOG that Anne Nolen set up to get a peek at all the fun.

Get ready for some great Show and Tell pieces in the future.

Janice Juul

Bishop’s Ranch Quilt Retreat – Feb 2013

August 16th, 2012

Attached is a Flyer & Registration Form for a quilt retreat February 10-14, 2013 at The Bishop’s Ranch in Healdsburg

In Memory of Natalie Polin

August 16th, 2012

Natalie Polin. “She joined the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild in 2005. She always had a big smile and her quilts were outstanding. I last saw her at the Moonlight show in June where she showed a spectacular quilt based on a Drunkard Path block variation. She said that she had missed the guild meetings this year because she was on IV nutrition for 14 hours every evening due to a stomach malignancy and that she had been near death in February due to a blood infection. She was quite a woman and I will miss her.”
Ann Wilson

A P. S. from Sharon ‘the Librarian’ Fry – “Natalie was one of our quieter members, but Ann Wilson is right, Natalie always had a nice big smile for everyone, and I only had a slight hint that she was ill. And I agree with Ann that Natalie’s quilts were spectacular. I am going to log onto our guild’s SHOW AND TELL, scroll down to “Archives” and type in “Natalie Polin” so that I can once again enjoy photos of Natalie and her lovely quilts. I will miss this dear lady.”

A Story To Share

August 16th, 2012

Do you wonder who gets the quilts that are donated? Here is one letter back from a Colorado Fire recipient, shared by Marci Baker. A Story To Share

NEWS & Workshops from other Guilds

August 16th, 2012

Newsletters and workshops from other regional guilds. Don’t forget to check out their sites for additional information:

San Francisco Quilters Guild Click on News/Calendar to download the .pdf

East Bay Heritage Quilters for their August Workshop and their Newsletter, “The Friendship Knot”

Mt.Tam Quilt Guild for a workshop in September by Marcia Stein.

San Jose Quilt Museum – fund raising challenge to help support artistic excellence.

Sierra Quilt Quild – 23rd Annual Quilts and Threads Show, Sept. 15 & 16th, in Sonora.

July 5, 2012 – Business Meeting Minutes

July 27th, 2012

Click here for
July Business Meeting Minutes

Amendment to SRQG Bylaws passed June 7th 2012

July 11th, 2012

At the June 7th 2012 Board meeting, the members of the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild approved the following amendment of the Bylaws, requesting that the term limits for elected officers be increased from 2 terms to 3 terms:
Please correct your personal copy as well as any committee copies of your by-laws in ARTICLE VI Election of Officers Section C. Tenure to read as follows:
Article VI, Section C
“Tenure No officer may be elected for more than 2 3 consecutive terms in the same office.”

The following is an explanation of the by-law change.
Explanation: The elected officers are: President, Vice-President, Program Chair, Program Chair-Elect, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. Term limits are still a beneficial practice, as they prevent any single prevailing attitude from becoming entrenched. However, in the case of the lengthy learning curve for Treasurer, and the difficulty with filling the position, a third consecutive term would be an advantage for the Guild. The Executive Board could identify no downside to this moderate change in term limits. As with the 2-term limit, there is no obligation on the part of any elected officer to remain in position for more than a single term.
Janice Juul
2012 President
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild