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Jan Head wins a Blue Ribbon in Paducah

April 25th, 2012

I just took at quick look at the American Quilters Society winners at this year’s Paducah show and was so very pleased to see that our own JAN HEAD has been awarded a first place!

If I sneezed and missed any other SRQG members that I should be mentioning, please let me know so that I can share it with everyone.

Congratulations to Jan for her blue ribbon on her fantastic quilt — I knew she could do it!
– Sharon ‘the Librarian’Fry

You can see all the AQS award winners at:
Jan’s quilt is at 5:22.

June Moonlight Quilt Show

April 23rd, 2012

Hello Quilters!!

The deadline date for quilt show entries has been extended until next week.

There are 204 quilts so far and we really, REALLY need quilts to make this quilt show a success. (Really!)

AND if you have an antique quilt, please submit it. Teach Guerrini who is our quilt show layout person is hoping for a special collection of antique quilts to make a special showing.

Thank you,
Joanne Thomas 528-3559 or

The East Bay Heritage Quilter’s newsletter

April 23rd, 2012

The East Bay Heritage Quilter’s newsletter is up on the web.
Click here to view their monthly Newletter

Thank You for Community Quilts

April 23rd, 2012

Dear Guild Members,
In response to a delivery of baby, toddler, and doll quilts, we received this heartfelt thank you note from the Community Child Care Council (4Cs).
Many of our recipients do not take the time to write notes to the guild, but they all appreciate our gifts of love.

Whether you donate fabric or work on quilts at home, during guild work days, during Quiltathons, or (hand sewing) during meetings, your participation makes the guild’s Community Quilts project a success.
Click here to read the note: 4C Thank you

Thank You!
Anne Dondero
Community Quilts committee


April 18th, 2012

Do you know of someone in our Guild who has gone above and beyond the call of duty and deserves to be recognized? If so, we have two ways of doing that.

To qualify for the HONORARY LIFE MEMBER award a nominee must have been a Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Member for at least five years, served a full term in at least one elected position (President, Vice President, Program Chair, Program Chair-Elect, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian); served at least one additional year in the position of elected office or as a committee chair; plus participate in continued outstanding service to the Guild. Only one HONORARY LIFE MEMBER award may be given in a year, and in many years no award is presented.
The HONORARY LIFE MEMBER recipient receives a Certificate of Recognition and is exempt from dues for life. To date, fifteen Members have received this award (Gene Isaacs, Joyce Gross, Katie Alix, Dotty Zagar, Marjorie Crist, Lois Stephens, Sharon Fry, Elizabeth Marrs, Lee Trevelyan, Norma Vieglienzone, Betty Upchurch, Phyllis Gallaway, and Jan Andrews, Linda Hooper, and Lavella Cassinelli).

The second type of award is the MERIT AWARD. This acknowledges an especially dedicated amount of time and expertise given to a particular project beneficial to the Guild. The nominee must have been a Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Member for at least two years. The recipient receives a choice of an engraved disc or a free year of membership, plus a Certificate of Recognition. One or more MERIT AWARDS may be presented in a year, and in many years no award is presented. A Member may receive more than one MERIT AWARD. To date Merit Awards have been presented to: Sharon Fry, Melissa Trunick, Linda Morand, Marilyn Swanson, Lavella Cassinelli, Mary Wood, Gerrie Congdon, Lynn Williams, Phyllis Gallaway, Linda Sims, Angie Kiker, Bob Oliver, Betty Upchurch, Diana Roberts, Pam McVey, Betty Upchurch, and Glenda Ross, Anne Dondero, Pam Brown, Karen Boscolo (and for the Library Crew: Sandra McConnell, Justine Lott, Mary Wood, Glenda Ross, Joy McGoran, Lynne Atkinson, Joanie Bellinghausen, and Rose Marie Lara).

I am attaching copies of both types of Nomination Forms to this email for you to print out, or you may email me and ask me to print a form for you. The forms must be filled out completely and accurately, and accompanied by at least 24 signatures of currently paid Members. Forms must be in the hands of Sharon Fry by l:00 p. m. on Thursday, June 21, 2012.

Awards are presented at our Founders’ Day Celebration, the third Thursday in September.
These awards are a wonderful way to thank Members for their extraordinary service to the Guild. Please let me know if you have questions.
Sharon Fry
Nomination Forms for: Honorary Life Member and Merit Award

The referenced forms are also available under the forms menu on the Home Page.

April 5, 2012 Business Meeting Minutes

April 18th, 2012

Business Meeting Minutes of April 5, 2012
Click this link for minutes: Minutes
Click this link for Amendment to the Bylaws

(On March 18, 2012, this document was emailed to all members [with internet connection], with a cover letter from President Janice Juul stating it would be brought up for vote on April 19th.

So noted and incorporated into minutes of March 25th Board meeting and
April 5th Business meeting.)
Patricia Kearns, Recording Secretary

Announcements from SRQG

April 11th, 2012

Reminder: Community Quilts Work Day
Pam is hosting a work party for Community Quilts this Thursday April 12 from 10:00 to 3:00 to get ready for our next Quiltathon on Thursday May 3.
Bring your lunch and join us for all or part of the day.
Pam’s house: 3607 Crescent Circle, Santa Rosa, 526-7809
Hope to see you there!
Ann Dondero

Hello EQ Club and SRQG Members,
Due to an event at Village Sewing, they will be preparing the store on Thursday by rearranging it. So, the EQ Club meeting scheduled for that morning is cancelled. Next meeting will be 2nd Tuesday of May, May 8.
The Windsor Senior Center “Bag-Along” program is in need of batting. We can use pieces as small as 17″ x 15″. If you have any extra batting please bring it to Thursday’s meeting. Yvonne Branson will be able to collect it for us.
Thank you for continuing to support our project. We have distributed over 3000 “Bag-Alongs” into the community with your help!
Thanks, Pat Meiswinkel, Coordinator

WINE COUNTRY QUILT SHOW – deadline date has been extended

April 11th, 2012

Hello fellow quilters!

The deadline date has been extended since there have been so few quilts entered for the show.
The new deadline date is: April 25th. Please don’t be afraid of the computerized entry process. It is very user friendly. Go to and pull down the Quilt Show Tab. Or you can cut and click on this URL or copy and paste it into your browser and it will take you to the form!!! It’s very easy. If you have no comments about your quilt, just type the words “leave blank.” Your notation will be honored.

Also remember if you work a 2 hour shift on ANY day, that entitles you to one free entry into the quilt show your choice of days. If you work two shifts, you get free entry both days!! Otherwise, one shift, one entry and if you want to go again, it’s a nominal fee of $5 for the second day. Volunteers are needed to help make this show a success. So please sign up for something that you would like to do. Forms for volunteering are available on the website click here for Volunteer Sign Up Forms to print the form, complete and mail to Katina Repp.

So PLEASE, enter your quilts on line!!! At the MQSC Spring Fabric sale (Santa Day Guild members, you are invited to attend!) April 18th, there will be several of us available to take a photo of your quilt if you do not have a digital camera. Some forms will be available, but preferably, print one out from the website, have it completed to turn in when you have your quilt photographed. REMEMBER the dimensions, width by length, and it’s very important that you are accurate with these measurements. Attention Santa Rosa Day Guild members, I will be at your meeting on April 19th to photograph your quilts if you cannot take a digital photo of your quilt.

Currently, I have only 170 quilts and that does not make a nice quilt show. We need at least another 130 quilts – come on ladies and gentlemen, enter your quilts!!!

Any questions, please call me, Joanne Thomas, Quilt Show Entry Coordinator, 707-528-3559 or email me

March 1, 2012 Business Meeting Minutes

March 30th, 2012

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
March 1, 2012
Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Minutes of Business meeting on March 1, 2012
President Janice Juul called the Meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. She requested cell phones be turned off or to vibrate.
Three guests were introduced.
Minutes–Patricia Kearns, Recording Secretary
Janice Juul advised that the minutes of meetings will be available for thirty days following post- ing on website, Please review and email suggested additions or corrections to Patri- cia Kearns.
EQuilter Club meets 2nd Thursday of the month at Village Sewing. Next topic is custom de-
signing quilts.
TriGuild Luncheon will be March 10. Debbie Bainbridge explained the concept of three guilds,
Moonlight Quilters, Petaluma Quilters and SRQG, rotating the presentation of an annual
Reminders of shows occurring soon: Healdsburg Sr. Living Center, EBHQ March 17, 18. Author Jennifer Chivieri will be at Copperfield’s Book Store in Petaluma this evening. If any-
one here is attending, please take our copy of her brand new book and get it autographed. Joanie Bellinghausen and Laurie Black spoke about Material Girl, Nicole Cowlin’s quilt store.
She will be relocating to Windsor Green. Watch for her announcement of a Bishop’s
Ranch Retreat.
Photos of quilts you will be hanging in the Moonlight Quilters’ Show can be taken today, out in
the hall, following the meeting.
Janice Juul announced it is our turn to host the TriGuild Luncheon in 2013, and planning must
begin immediately.
Mary Kimball announced there would be a memorial service for late member Dolly Haines.
Treasurer’s Report–Helen Smith
We are in good shape.
This year’s challenge quilt was presented by Janice Rodgers and Betty Upchurch. Rules: use your first or second initial, and the list goes on. Find a full description in the April Newsletter. For our inspiration, they presented a few spectacular flights of fancy made for other occasions. Your completed challenge quilt is due at our first meeting in August.
Block of the Month — Joyce Wood, Veline Ball
The March block will be online shortly. Pay close attention to instruction for a scant 1/4″ seam allowance. It uses only four colors.
Community Quilts — Pam Beebe, Anne Dondero
Pam said this month has a 5th Thursday. There are three of these annually and we use the oppor- tunity to hold sew-ins at the Luther Burbank Gardens. Doors open at 8:30. We will have quilts in various stages of completion and hope many of you will be able to bring sewing machines and necessary equipment to help with our charity quilts. Valley of the Moon is in extreme need. If you prefer, bring a UFO or something else you’d like to work on. We recommend you bring a lunch.
A neighbor of Georgiann Morrisey’s donated a huge amount of fabric for this cause.
Fair Liaison — Pam McVey Pam announced our guild’s ribbon winners in the Cloverdale Citrus Fair. Nancy McAllister won two First Place awards and Best of Show while Ann Wilson won three: Best Use of Color, Best Hand Quilted and Best of Section.
Friendship Blocks — Phyllis Gallaway Has three sets of 20 credits available for raffle, at $1.00 per ticket.
Library — Sharon Fry
Justine Lott is holding a donated antique quilt in the back of the room. It’s being offered today in a silent auction. Money raised benefits the library fund.
Lost & found itemized.
Several new books introduced, are listed individually on our website. Just click Library.
Sharon told of correspondence with an Australian woman who had visited our site and sought her
advice in setting up a similar library. In gratitude, she sent us a copy of Quilt a Koala. Membership — Rhonda Denney, Jan Westerman
New members who did not receive a bound handbook, please pick one up today at the our table.
NewsletterEditor– JanAndrews
Handed out batches of bundled newsletters to be taken to area quilt shops, etc.
Opportunity Quilt — Glenda Ross Passes to the Sonoma County Home Show have been mailed to our workers.
Program Chair — Linda Hooper, Barbara Cortelyou
In April, Marci Baker will be showing how to do her Hollow Cube design, which is nine times simpler than anyone else’s. There are spaces available.

TSW — Kat Stephens
Kat said twelve people were signed up for today’s TSW with Melissa Trunick. Next meeting Sharon Fry will show her quick and easy circles technique.
April 5th, June Moes will show how to make a knit circle (all the fashionistas are wearing them). You will need to purchase a kit, available at Michael’s and Beverly’s.
50/50 and nametag drawings were held.
Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm
Show & Tell was enjoyed by all. Photos to follow on our website.
Respectfully submitted,
(A signed hard copy is on file with the Guild.)
Patricia Kearns Recording Secretary

WINE COUNTRY QUILT SHOW – Entry Deadline April 4th, 2012

March 27th, 2012

Quilt show entries for WINE COUNTRY QUILT SHOW

Hello fellow quilters!!

The deadline date approaches, April 4th, for the Wine Country Quilt Show for quilt show entries. You have all been a bit slow this year. There are so few entries that it is scary (40)!!! Please don’t be afraid of the computerized entry process. It is very user friendly. Go to and pull down the Quilt Show Tab. Or you can cut and paste this URL into your browser and it will take you to the form!!! It’s very easy. If you have no comments about your quilt, just type the words “leave blank.” Your notation will be honored.

Also remember if you work a 2 hour shift on ANY day, that entitles you to one free entry into the quilt show your choice of days. If you work two shifts, you get free entry both days!! Otherwise, one shift, one entry and if you want to go again, it’s a nominal fee of $5 for the second day. Volunteers are needed to help make this show a success. So please sign up for something that you would like to do. Forms for volunteering are available on the website or cut and paste this URL for to print the form, complete and mail to Katina Repp.

So PLEASE, enter your quilts on line!!! At the MQSC Business meeting, April 4th, there will be several of us available to take a photo of your quilt if you do not have a digital camera. Some forms will be available, but preferably, print one out from the website, have it completed to turn in when you have your quilt photographed. REMEMBER the dimensions, width by length, and it’s very important that you are accurate with these measurements.

Any questions, please call me, Joanne Thomas, Quilt Show Entry Coordinator, 707-528-3559 or email me

A P. S. from Sharon ‘the Librarian’ Fry — For our newer Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Members — This email is in reference to Moonlight Quilters of Sonoma County’s annual quilt show. Moonlight Quilters very graciously invites our SRQG members to participate in their show. It will be held Saturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3, 2012, at the Veterans’ Building, 1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA.