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Term Limit Amendment **IMPORTANT will be voted on

March 27th, 2012

Dear SRQG Members,
At our 3/23/12 Board meeting the board proposed a change to the by-laws to extend term limits for our elected officers from 2 years to 3 years.
I have attached the amendment proposal which also includes an explanation for making the change as well as the voting procedure. The information will also be in the SRQG Newsletter and on our Blog.
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Janice Juul, SRQG President
Term Limit Amendment


OPPORTUNITY QUILT – Time is running out for 2012 tickets…

March 27th, 2012

I encourage all members who haven’t yet picked up their tickets for the Opportunity Quilt to do so at the next meeting. The first meeting in April.

This gives me time to go through them to make sure you have filled out all of your stubs. If you miss any I fill them out for you.
Yes, I do that if I have time. Will have time next meeting, but not the one after.
I also check to see that the tickets are separated, not stuck together. If they stick you get less chances.

So — get your tickets next time and then you can sit back and enjoy the speaker at the following meeting without having to worry about rushing to get tickets at the last minute.
Makes it easier for us to not have to worry on your behalf.

glenda and Marguerite

And a P. S. from Sharon ‘the Librarian’ Fry — for newer members especially ~~~ each guild member is encouraged to purchase at least $20 worth of opportunity quilt tickets. You may write your own name on them, or you might wish to give them to friends, or sell them. Believe it or not, our dues does not cover our budget (rent, speakers, etc.) so this is really important for everyone to step up. The drawing for this lovely quilt is after the guild meeting on Thursday, April 19.

Nancy Parmelee’s Quilt Accepted at Paducah

March 27th, 2012

A very big CONGRATULATIONS to Nancy Parmelee as her
Quilt has been accepted at Paducah!

Change of DATE – 2013 Tri-Guild Luncheon

March 27th, 2012

To all SRQG members,
The board has changed the date of the SRQG Tri-guild luncheon to make it available for all the guilds.
The new date for the luncheon is Saturday, April 6, 2013.
Please make a note of this date on your calendars.

Thank you,
Janice Juul

Super-Sized Nine Patch by Anita G. Solomon

March 27th, 2012

Here is a link for the pattern Super-Sized 9 Patch by Anita Grossman Solomon and Quilt Maker Magazine.
The size of 34 1/2 x 40 1/2 will be just fine for our Community Quilts that go to the hospitals.
Cut out 3 at a time and sew only 8 seams to completion.

Super-Sized 9 Patch

Spectacular Quilt Like Patterns – Made in SNOW!!!

March 27th, 2012

A very cool link sent by Linda Gilbert. Thank you, Linda

“Artist Simon Beck must really love the cold weather! Along the frozen lakes of Savoie, France, he spends days plodding through the snow in raquettes (snowshoes), creating these sensational patterns of snow art. Working for 5-9 hours a day, each final piece is typically the size of three soccer fields! The geometric forms range in mathematical patterns and shapes that create stunning, sometimes 3D, designs when viewed from higher levels.”

Promenade Scarf Pattern – worn by Laura Barrett

March 27th, 2012

“Here is the link to the pattern for the scarf I had on at Thursday’s

Thanks for passing it along.


Embellish Circles

March 27th, 2012

Hi SRQG Members,

Marilyn Altenbach sent me this link. Since I just taught the TSW on “Circles”
I thought you might want some ideas on how you can embellish them.

– Sharon ‘the Librarian’ Fry
While the workshop is in San Diego, the photos are certainly worth viewing for lots of ideas.

Petaluma Art Center – Japanese American Art

March 27th, 2012

A CULTURE WITHIN: The Japanese American Experience through Art
April 7 – May 28, 2012

Featuring Henry Sugimoto With Chiura Obata and Photographs of Heart Mountain internment camp by Hansel Mieth and Otto Hagel
Paintings and Sculpture by Kay Sekimachi, Harry Nakamoto, David Kuraoka, Wendy Yoshimura, Chiyomi Teneike Longo and Pamina Traylor and others
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, April 14, 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
See our website for Special Events and Films
Petaluma Arts Center
We are located at 230 Lakeville Street next to the visitors center at the historic railway station.
Regular Hours – 12:00 to 4:00 pm (Closed Tuesdays, Wednesdays and holidays)

CIVIL WAR QUILTS from “Piecemakers Mechanicsville”

March 27th, 2012

From member, Sharon Mills
My Daughter’s Quilt Guild had a wonderful speaker at their last meeting. Heather takes pictures for their website and has shared this with me. Thought those of you who love these old quilts might enjoy seeing the pictures.

“Can’t wait to see the Civil War quilts that were presented by Betsy Hulcher? They are on our Picasa site, I took 57 pictures in all of her quilts…. Be sure to check them out and be amazed all over again.
Betsy did not tell us why all the green and red quilts but her family use to be a stop on the stagecoach route, so we were all wondering if they got fabric in bolts since there was not a lot of scrappyness to them.
It was either 4 or 5 generations back she could document her family quilts. The quilts are in SUCH GREAT SHAPE.”

Click on March 12th – Show & Tell Pictures now available for viewing at: