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Cathy Zeleny – First Place Winner

November 11th, 2009

2009 Contest Winners – Theme: Burgoyne Surrounded

Cathy Zeleny, a member of the guild is currently featured in “Quilters Home” magazine. Jan. 2010 issue. Page 13. Cathy also won First Place in the National Quilt Museum’s “Burgoyne Surrounded: New Quilts from old Favorites” competion.
Below is a picture of her quilt titled, “Inevitable Zeleny”.

Visit the National Quilt Museum website for more information.

Business Meeting Minutes

November 9th, 2009

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
November 5, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:01 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced several guests.

Minutes: There were two corrections to the October 1 minutes: 1) Janice Rodgers and Diana Roberts were listed as tentative nominations as 2010 Program Chairs Elect. They have accepted the nomination. 2) A clarification that the new stamps for the labels for the community quilts were paid for by Marilyn Swanson as a gift to the Guild. The design was crafted by Linda Morand’s son Andre and Linda did the “legwork”. It was a cooperative effort!

Dotty Zagar moved to accept the September minutes as amended. Lee Trevelyan seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported a positive cash flow.

Election of the Slate of Officers for the Year 2010: Parliamentarian Janice Juul read the slate of nominees for the 2010 election of officers. President Linda Hooper declared the slate elected by acclamation. It was approved by the membership. Thanks go to the Nominating Committee of Judith Clarke, Anne Dondero, Linda Emis, Jan Head, Earlene Maffioli and Janice Juul.

Our new officers for 2010 will be:
President: Jan Andrews
Vice President: Jan Head
Treasurer: Phyllis Gallaway
Corresponding Secretary: Lavella Cassinelli
Recording Secretary: Cathy Rapp
Program Chairs: Rhonda Denny and Linda Thomas
Program Chair Elect: Janice Rodgers and Diana Roberts
Parliamentarian: Janice Juul


Moonlight Quilters liaison Phyllis Gallaway announced that the guild is holding an “Affiliate Night” on November 18 and everyone is invited.

There will be a whole cloth quilting class on November 17 at Material Girl.

Marilyn Swanson announced that there will be an Amish quilt show at the de Young Museum from November 13, 2009 through June 6, 2010.

New Business:

Linda Hooper announced that there will be a holiday gift exchange at the December 3 meeting. Gifts should be about $15 and be wrapped. The giver is asked to include their name inside the gift so that the receiver will know who to thank. It was suggested that the gift be related to quilting and can be handmade.

Sharon Oman had Party Lite items for sale as a Guild fundraiser.

Jan Andrews asked for a volunteer to chair Hospitality in 2010. Food at regular meetings (not Founder’s Day or holiday meetings, for example) would be limited to only finger foods and beverages to supplement a member’s brown bag lunch. Dessert should be cookies. No salads or hot dishes. Each member would be responsible for refrigerating their item and then placing it on the food table at lunch time. This will ease kitchen time for hospitality volunteers. Members are encouraged to “go green” and bring their own plate, cup and utensils. This would begin in 2010 and participation would be voluntary.

Committee Reports:

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: Rhonda and Barbara introduced the house block, which is the next block for “Create a Village.”

Boutique – Betty Upchurch: Betty presented beautiful items for sale and a lovely wall hanging for raffle.

Bulb Sales – Justine Lott: Justine announced that bulb sales have raised $202.50.

Community Projects – Lavella Cassinelli: Lavella thanked those who attended the last Quiltathon and the 5th Thursday gathering for all their hard work. She announced that 50 quilts were quilted. To date, 1238 quilts and 468 hats have been delivered.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Membership – Anne Dondero and Pam Brown: Anne announced that it’s officially membership renewal time. Please verify your information as listed in the 2009 roster. Only renewing members who need to update information need to complete a membership form. Dues are $30 in cash or check.

Newsletter – Jan Andrews: Jan announced that a combined November/December newsletter will be coming out in early December. The Newsletter will transition back to the first of the month.

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross and Rhonda Denny: Rhonda will be selling tickets until 10 minutes after the meeting.

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: The last two workshops for 2009 were introduced. Incoming co-chairs Linda Thomas and Rhonda Denny announced the first workshop for 2010.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: A card is being routed for a member who is ill.

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis described the last two TSWs for 2009 and reminded members to sign up early.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:12 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janice Juul for Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

Nothing New Under the Sun

November 4th, 2009

In October I participated in an Earthwatch archeological project excavating a 2000 year old Roman villa on the Italian coast one hour south of Pisa. Work done by the universities in the 80’s had uncovered this mosaic floor. It was amusing to see “flying geese” and other quilt patterns.
Cora Stewart

Business Meeting Minutes

October 4th, 2009

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
October 1, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:02 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced several guests.

Minutes: Lavella Cassinelli moved to accept the September minutes as published. Dotty Zagar seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported positive cash flow for September. Year-to-date expenditures exceeded revenue which was anticipated in the budget. A planning meeting for the 2010 budget will be held on November 9 at 10 AM. Please RSVP to Jan or Linda. Also, please let Jan know of any guild expenses you have paid out of pocket and will not claim reimbursement for so that there is a complete picture of our expenses.


Carmen Black shared a $50 donation from the Santa Rosa Garden Club.

New Business: There was no new business.

Committee Reports:

Membership – Anne Dondero and Pam Brown: Anne announced that membership renewal for 2010 will begin in November. Only renewing members who need to update information will be asked to complete a membership form. Please verify your information as listed in the 2009 roster.

Nominating Committee – Judith Clarke, Anne Dondero, Linda Emis, Jan Head, Earlene Maffioli, Janice Juul: Janice Juul announced the state of officers for 2010. The election will be held on November 5.
President: Jan Andrews
Vice President: Jan Head
Treasurer: Phyllis Gallaway
Corresponding Secretary: Lavella Cassinelli
Recording Secretary: Cathy Rapp
Program Chairs: Rhonda Denny and Linda Thomas
Program Chair Elect: Janice Rodgers and Diana Roberts
Parliamentarian: Janice Juul

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Genie and Janice reminded members that there are still some openings in the November and December workshops.

Bulb Sales – Justine Lott: Justine announced that the bulbs should be available at the next meeting.

PIQF Bus Trip – Melissa Trunick: Melissa announced that the bus trip is full and one person is on a wait list. Please let her know if your plans have changed.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: A card is being routed for a member who is ill.

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross and Judith Clarke: Judith reminded members to pick up some tickets for the Opportunity Quilt

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: Barbara introduced the fabric shop block, which is the next block for “Create a Village.”

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis described the last two TSWs for 2009 and reminded members to sign up early.

Community Projects – Lavella Cassinelli: Lavella thanked the group for all of their energy which has resulted in a record number of items distributed this year. Marilyn Swanson, Cathy Ortelle, and Linda Morand received applause for the new stamp for quilt labels and the stamping kit.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:49 AM and the final Quiltathon for 2009 began.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

PIQF Bus Trip

September 24th, 2009

We still have four seats left!

September Business Meeting Minutes

September 7th, 2009

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
September 3, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:02 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced a new member.

Minutes: Joyce Wood moved to accept the August minutes as published. Dotty Zagar seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported positive cash flow for August. Year-to-date expenditures exceeded revenue which was anticipated in the budget.


Volunteers are needed for hospitality for the October meetings.

A raffle quilt to support cancer research is on display at Parkside Sewing Center and tickets are available there.

Linda Ziemer shared a thank-you for the guild project to sew patches on Sonoma State soccer uniforms. The fundraiser brought in $500.

Melissa Trunick announced that the Guild bus trip to the Pacific International Quilt Festival (PIQF) will be on Friday, October 16. The Cost is $38 for paid members and $43 for non-members. Checks should be made out to Santa Rosa Quilt Guild.

New Business: There was no new business.

Committee Reports:

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Janice introduced the programs for October and November.

Founder’s Day Luncheon: Carolle LeMonnier and Georgiann Morrissey asked for a few more volunteers to help clean up at the Founder’s Day luncheon on September 17.

Quilt Challenge- Carolle LeMonnier, Georgiann Morrissey, Kathy Hannan: Georgeann reminded members that there are only two weeks left until the challenge quilts are due at the Founder’s Day luncheon on September 17.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: A card is being routed for a member who is recovering from surgery. Cards are often donated for Sunshine. Jenine explained that inappropriate cards (such as birthday cards) are donated to Friends Outside at Sonoma County Jail or they will be on the silent auction table.

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross: Lots of volunteers are needed for the Home Show which is one of our best fundraising venues. Also, Glenda reminded members to pick up their tickets for the opportunity quilt.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: Linda introduced the row house block, which is the next block for “Create a Village.”

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis described the last two TSWs for 2009 and reminded members to sign up early. Send ideas for next year’s TSWs to Tera or Phyllis.

Community Projects – Lavella Cassenelli: Karen Boscolo reminded members to pick up quilts in various stages of completion to work on and then bring them to the Quiltathon on October 1.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:12 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

Cindy Needham Workshop

August 26th, 2009

The morning started with a hands on 3 hour packed lecture! What tips and advice we learned!!

Carmen proceeds with step one, iron your linen.

Joanie marks the center lines.

Cindy gives us tips on using stencils, placement and where to begin your designs.

Cathy has to decide which stencil would work best for what she has in mind.

One of Cindy Needham’s pieces.

A close up view of Cindy Needham’s work. Her advice is to take your time. She said she does NOT machine quilt fast!

More samples and notice the beading. However, if you want to place your beads on tape to keep them from spilling remember to use ACID FREE tape!

Carol plans to hand quilt her linen. Taking your time to mark the quilt first makes the end result look much nicer!

Business Meeting Minutes

August 13th, 2009

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
August 6, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:02 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced our guests and a new member.

Minutes: Dotty Zagar moved to accept the June minutes. Cora Moore seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hooper gave the Treasurer’s Report. She reported revenue and expenditures for the month of July and year-to-date.


Linda Hooper, with technical assistance from her daughter Shannon, gave an on-line presentation of various pages on the guild’s web site. She reviewed navigation techniques as well as the need to download Adobe Reader in order to view many elements on the web site. Members were enthused by the breadth of the web site and the search features on the library page.


There was a moment of silence for guild member Isolde Meadows who passed away on July 24.

Volunteers are needed to staff the guild booth at the Petaluma Quilt Show on Saturday.

On August 13, Julie Silber will talk about antique quilts at the Healdsburg Historical Museum.

Phyllis Gallaway announced that the presentation “So You Want to Get Published” at the quarterly NCQC meeting on the third Wednesday in October is open to all those interested in becoming published quilters.

The membership sent a big thank-you to Veline Ball and her neighbor, who works at Bali Fabrics in Sonoma, for the company’s generous donation of batik samples which have been a popular guild fundraiser.

New Business: There was no new business.

Committee Reports:

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Janice announced that rulers ordered from Nancy Pinkston would be sent directly to the buyers. She described the August and October presentations and workshops with Cindy Needham and Diana Roberts respectively. She mentioned that Cindy Needham is a representative for Superior threads and she shared the humorous sewing-related lyrics of the song she heard while “on hold” with Superior Thread.

Founder’s Day Luncheon: Carolle LeMonnier and Georgiann Morrissey asked for volunteers to help set up and clean up for the Founder’s Day luncheon on September 17.

Quilt Challenge- Carolle LeMonnier, Georgiann Morrissey, Kathy Hannan: Carolle and Georgeann reminded members that the challenge quilts are due at the Founder’s Day luncheon on September 17. The theme is homonyms and a handout with many suggestions was distributed. Quilters were reminded that there will be a contest to guess the homonym, so don’t write it on the front of your quilt.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: Cards are being routed for two members who are recovering from surgery.

Fair Liaison – Pam McVey: Volunteers are still needed to staff the last four days of the fair. Contact Pam to sign up and receive your pass to the fair. Pam also announced that the entries for the Harvest Fair close on September 4.

Friendship Blocks – Veline Ball: Veline shared several friendship blocks which were just received. Cathy Rapp won the drawing for submitting a block.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: Linda introduced the asymmetrical or “salt box” style house which is the next block for “Create a Village.”

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis introduced the TSWs for August and September.

Moonlighter’s Guild Liaison – Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis announced that Peggy Martin would be giving a program on paper piecing and design at the October 15 meeting and a workshop on October 18.

Newsletter – Jan Andrews: Jan mentioned that the presentation by Linda Hooper should give members a higher comfort level in using the web site and she encouraged members to view the newsletter on line rather than request a hard copy.

UFO Challenge – Melissa Trunick: Melissa mentioned that the fall challenge is called Works in Progress, or WIP. Many members shared their unfinished projects and pledged $5 to get their projects to various stages of completion by November 19. Contact Melissa if you would like to participate.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:11 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

Nominations for 2010

July 29th, 2009

SRQC Members,

Here is your chance to make a difference and get involved. The Nominating Committee is requesting nominations for ALL Elective Offices for the year 2010. Do you know of someone you would like to see on the board? Are you interested in getting involved? Please contact anyone on the Nominating Committee with your suggestions.

Thank you,

The Nominating Committee
Judith Clarke, Anne Dondero
Linda Emis, Jan Head
Earlene Maffioli, Janice Juul

Nancy Pinkston Workshop

July 18th, 2009

Nancy Pinkston taught the “Square in a Square Quilting Method”, using the “Original Square in a Square Technique Ruler” developed by Jodi Barrows.

People worked together! Notice the jaw movements?

This is Sheila who is our newest guild member. This is the FIRST thing she has ever sewn! When it was ironed it was a perfect square! She couldn’t believe how much fun it was!!

Notice how Linda’s background is always the same? However, she was having a lot of fun in this class!

Yes, we do break for feeding time!

Is she having way too much fun?

The pictures say it all!

Yep, I can do that!

A picture is worth a thousand words!

This is the first thing I have ever sewn! I can’t believe that I even made my points match! I truly recommend this technique!!