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March Business Meeting Minutes

March 11th, 2009

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
March 5, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:02 AM.

Three guests and one new member were introduced.

Minutes: Jan Andrews moved to accept the February minutes. Joyce Wood seconded. The motion passed. Pam Beebe moved to accept the January minutes. Georgiann Morrissey seconded. The motion passed.


The Tri-Guild Luncheon has a waiting list. If you cannot attend, please cancel so someone on the waiting list can take your place.

Volunteers are needed for
· Hospitality in April and May
· The sewing room sale at the May 7 meeting

The Scottish Rite Center has asked that we refrain from using the refrigerator on the right side.

Vicki David, a Guild member and representatives from Moonlighters, described the 2009 quilt show scheduled for June 6 and 7. Guild members are encouraged to volunteer to help. Forms to volunteer and to submit a quilt will be available on the Guild web site. Contact Phyllis Gallaway if you need assistance with a photo of your quilt.

The Petaluma Quilt Guild announced that Joe the Quilter will present at 3 PM (free) at the Petaluma Historical Museum (the old library) on Sunday, March 15 as part of the National Quilters Day celebration. The outdoor quilt show will be held on August 8 in downtown Petaluma.

Quilted Cottage is coordinating a mystery shop hop on April 19. Make reservations for the bus by March 31.

The Pointless Sisters’ spring quilt how will be held at the Rincon Valley Library in Santa Rosa from March 30 through April 27.

The film “Quilts in Women’s Lives” will be shown at 1 PM on Sunday, March 15 at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts followed by “Rosie the Riveter” at 3:30. The Pointless Sisters’ quilt “Russian River” and others will be on display. Admission is $10. There will be a sneak preview from 11:30-12.

There will be a demonstration of art quilting using fusible web and paint on Friday, March 13 at the Windsor Senior Center from 1-4 PM.

Melissa Trunick announced that the UFO challenge quilts are due at the May 21 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported that the 2009 expenditures and revenue are on track.

New Business: None.

Committee Reports:

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross: One more volunteer is needed at the Home Show later this month.

Membership-Anne Dondero: Members were reminded to pick up 2009 membership cards and rosters at the membership table. Logo items are available for sale at membership.

Friendship Block-Veline Ball: Veline shared several new blocks.

Technique Sharing Workshops-Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Linda Emis reported that today’s TSW “Using Color in Quilts” will be postponed until May. Betty Upchurch will teach how make a pocket for your nametag after the March 19 meeting.

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Those who attend Judy Mullin’s workshop “Make Your Own Vest” modeled their garments.

Sew-A-Row – Joanie Bellinghausen: Joanie will begin accepting starter rows at the next meeting. Jan Andrews shared the 35 finished tops for 2008 and participants won the tops.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: The tree block for “Create a Village” was introduced.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: Get well cards have been sent to two members.

Community Smart Cards – Linda Sims: Linda reported that the Guild made $1116 from the program in 2008 and members were encouraged to obtain and use the cards.

Boutique – Betty Upchurch: The sewing sessions after the Guild meetings have been very successful. Members were encouraged to join in the fun.

Community Projects-Lavella Cassinelli: Mirna Estes reported that many baby quilts have been distributed in the last two months.

Librarian-Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of brand new and donated books and magazines. Members were reminded to use the check-out cards. Some books have been lost. If you find one, please return it – no questions asked.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

Art Technique Class

March 5th, 2009

I will be teaching an Art Technique Class at the Windsor Senior Center
March 13, from 1:00 to 3:00. If you plan to attend please email me for
the class supply list.

Pat Meiswinkel

February Workshop with Judy Mullen

February 23rd, 2009

February’s workshop was a lot of fun. Just look at all the cool vests that were made!

February Business Meeting Minutes

February 16th, 2009

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
February 5, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:03 AM.


Doris Maneke, a long time member of the Guild, is in the final stages of cancer. (She passed away on February 7.)

The Tri-Guild Luncheon is full and there is a waiting list.
Representatives from Moonlighters announced the Tri-Guild Luncheon at the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Rosa on Saturday, March 28 at 11 AM. Nicole Cowlin of Material Girl in Windsor will be the keynote speaker. Reservations are being taken.

The Petaluma Quilt Guild will host its annual auction on February 3 at the Petaluma Veterans Building.

Speaker: Guild member Judy Mathieson gave a slide and trunk show.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported that the 2009 budget is on track so far. The new checking account provides easy reporting.

Committee Reports:

Membership-Anne Dondero: Memberships renewed at the meeting will be included in the 2009 roster. New cards and rosters will be available at the next meeting.

MQSC Liaison – Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis described the machine appliqué Baltimore Album workshop offered by MCQC. The quilt show will be held the first weekend in June. The deadline for submissions is April 1. Forms will be on line in a couple of weeks. Quilts do not have to be complete by April 1.

Friendship Block-Veline Ball: Veline shared several new blocks

Technique Sharing Workshops-Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: The 2009 schedule is being finalized. Phyllis demonstrated the February 19 TSW – a foundation-pieced heart that can be turned into a name tag. Sign up at the February 19 meeting for the March 5 TSW “Using Color in Quilts” which will include a critique of color and value in completed quilts.
***Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Genie modeled the vest which is the next workshop. There are still openings for the March workshop “Make your own Garden with Andi Perejda.

Sew-A-Row – Jan Andrews: Two “rows” have yet to be turned in. The drawing will be the first meeting in March. Contact Joanie Bellinghausen if you have questions about 2009 sew-a-rows.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: The first two blocks of this year’s program “Create a Village” are on line. Various techniques will be used to make the blocks throughout the year

Community Smart Cards – Linda Sims: Linda reported that the Guild made $1116 from the program last year. Participating vendors are on the web site and a rotating list will be in the newsletter.

Community Projects-Lavella Cassinelli: Lavella has delivered over 100 quilts to date. Valley of the Moon will be at the April 2 meeting and they usually receive 100 quilts .

Librarian-Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of brand new and donated books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:46 AM and the Quiltathon began.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

Wounded Warrior Quilts

February 9th, 2009

Another trip to the USMC base Wounded Warrior Battalion!!

This time I took all from some folks and partial trip from others, as I’m
pretty occupied with doing taxes for the Marines, but I manage to slip in
photos during lunch time. News: there are currently about 60 residents and
clearly not all of them will fit in the 26 bed facility. Some are in nearby
barracks and others live at local homes, but all report to the WWB for daily
duties and appointments. Groundbreaking ceremonies are planned for the 27th
of this month on the brand spanking new 200 bed facility and complex. They
anticipate that is might be just one year but probably will be 1.5 years of
construction then they’ll move to the new digs across the road. Meanwhile I’
m having heart palpitations when I hear 200 beds…..Praying for generous
folks to build up inventory in anticipation of the increased demand. It will
probably not be possible for every bed to be covered with a homemade quilt
with those numbers, but we can only pray
and hope???

So what DID I deliver this trip??

Kelli from Lake Elsinore sent two girl and two boy baby blankets, and once
again they disappeared immediately.

Allana W from Malibu sent four GREAT craft kits, all packaged up and
inventoried so the kids could play and then have a home for the stuff at
cleanup time!! Comments on these were that lots of presents came at
Christmas but this was **after** and the kids liked getting prezzies all
year round – and mom’s like having something to occupy the kidlets. Good

Ruth A from Webster, New York sent this beautiful appliqué quilt. The
amazing patience to do all those darn stars!!

The Luseno Chapter of the DAR (Daughters of American Revolution) all pulled
together and made these next three beautiful quilts, all the 80 x 100 size
recommended for full/double beds. It was a communal effort and the piece
work, design and assembly was great! The ladies did a bang up job for the
Marines! Several of the guys really laughed at the cow patterns used on
this quilt.

The second DAR quilt – bright and cheery!

Third DAR quilt – and finally got some Marines to help me photograph them.

The next set of eight quilts were from a HUGE box sent by the Santa Rosa
Quilt Guild. Those ladies really produced some snazzy quilts. They sent two
boxes but I will deliver the second box to the base on the next trip for tax
preparation. My truck interior was stuffed full and it was raining so didn’t
want to put a box in the bed of the truck (yes, I know, excuses, excuses…)
By now you KNOW how much I like 9-patch quilts?? And such intricate machine
quilting really set this quilt off.

Pin up girls!!! The guys really drooled over this one….#2 from Santa Rosa QG

#3 from the Santa Rosa QG. Historical flags and bandana material – very
popular with the guys.

#4 from Santa Rosa QG. Another great scrap quilt, showing that very
different colors can be combined into a thing of beauty!

#5 from Santa Rosa QG. Look at all the piecing work in the sampler quilt!!

When the Marines saw the house in the middle they were quite impressed. They
’re getting opinionated and discerning, having seen so many quilts pass
their way. #6 from the Santa Rosa QG

#7 from Santa Rosa QG – simple bet pretty and such nice mitering on the
corners…. And that’s SSGt Stringer in the background .

#8 from Santa Rosa Quilt Guild. Such a busy design and the patriotic theme
was really liked…

I cannot profess my thanks enough for all the work that you folks are doing
out there. These residents at the WWB look pretty healthy as they are
walking and talking, but so many of them have experienced traumatic brain
injuries that take **forever** to heal. The salve of comfort that these
donated quilts provide cannot be calculated in any monetary fashion – just
know that your works are truly appreciated. Each and every one provides a
little piece of the stepping stones on their pathway to health. Thank you
from my harried but happy heart…..

Therese Thomas
Enrolled Agent
Thomas Tax Preparation
30457 Valley Center Rd
Valley Center CA 92082
(760) 751-2542 (home office)
(760) 749-3794 (home)
(760) 860-5301 (fax)
(760) 803-4299 (cell/text) Phone doesn’t ring in the house but texts arrive

January Business Meeting Minutes

January 28th, 2009

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
January 15, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Past President Pam McVey at 10:04 AM.

Twelve guests and one new member were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.

Pam McVey introduced and installed the 2009 board. She then turned the meeting over to 2009 President Linda Hooper.


Representatives from Moonlighters announced the Tri-Guild Luncheon at the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Rosa on Saturday, March 28 at 11 AM. Nicole Cowlin of Material Girl in Windsor will be the keynote speaker. Reservations are being taken.

The Petaluma Quilt Guild will host its annual auction on February 3 at the Petaluma Veterans Building.

Speaker: Guild member Judy Mathieson gave a slide and trunk show.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head presented a short treasurer’s report stating that the Guild income exceeded expenses in 2007, thanks in part to one-time revenue from a fabric sale. The 2009 proposed budget was distributed and discussed at the December meeting. Dotty Zager moved that the budget be accepted and Judith Clarke seconded. The budget passed unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Opportunity Quilts-Glenda Ross: Glenda reminded the membership to pick-up their raffle tickets for the Opportunity Quilts. Each member is asked to sell forty raffle tickets each year. Money can be turned in after the sale of the raffle tickets.

UFO Challenge-Melissa Trunick: Quilters displayed the UFOs they’re pledging $5 to finish by May. If you want to participate, show your UFO at the next couple of meetings and pay Jan Head $5 for each project you pledge to finish.

Membership-Anne Dondero: Membership dues for 2009 are being accepted. Please renew immediately to keep your name on the membership roster. New cards and rosters will be available in February.

Friendship Block-Veline Ball: Veline shared several new blocks. There are openings for several blocks at this time.

Technique Sharing Workshops-Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Tera announced that Betty Upchurch will present a free-motion quilting TSW at the 5th Thursday Quiltathon at 9 AM. There’s a $5 kit fee plus a “pay it forward” payment to complete at least one community quilt to use those new skills.

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Sign-ups are available now for all of the 2009 workshops. Please submit a check when you sign up.

Block of the Month: Kathy Hannan, 2008 committee chair, displayed a community quilt made from 2008 Blocks of the Month. Contact Kathy for additional kits. The drawing for the December 2008 star block will take place later in the meeting.

Incoming co-chairs Linda Ziemer, Rhonda Denny, and Barbara Cortelyou introduced the 2009 Block of the Month program which will be a variety of house and barn blocks with other complementary blocks such as pine trees.

Community Projects-Lavella Cassinelli: Mirna Estes shared thank-yous from recipients of community quilts. Lavella was attending a Jefferson Awards ceremony.

Librarian-Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of brand new and donated books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

Judy Mathieson’s Workshop

January 17th, 2009

Wow, learning from the best for only $35.00…it doesn’t get any better than this!
Janice Rodgers

Wounded Warrior Quilts

January 16th, 2009

Here are the latest quilts Lavella is sending to the wounded warriors project.

Cloverdale Citrus Fair

January 3rd, 2009
The dates of the Cloverdale Citrus Fair are February 13 – 16, 2009.  There is an Adult Quilts Department and a Senior Citizens Department (62 years of age and older) in which you can enter quilts.  The entry form deadline is January 23rd at 5:00PM.  You can find the forms online at:

Wounded Warrior Holiday Update

December 27th, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!!

Another speed run was made to the USMC Wounded Warrior Battalion this
morning. The guys are packing up and getting out of Dodge to be with their
families over the next week or two; by Wednesday the place will be a ghost
town. I had several things to deliver:

Kelli had made four flannel baby blankets which this mindless delivery
person left behind in my craft room on the last trip….they got delivered

The Winnie the Pooh never got folded up – it was immediately packed for home
delivery to a brand new Marine baby!

Both of these were also snatched up – babies are abounding and warm snuggle
blankets are a treasure.

Next we have the quilt that I FORGOT in the bottom of the box…

This one was made by the Material Girls quilt group from Simi Valley. Very
cheery, patriotic and well received.

The next delivery to be described is from Allana W from Malibu. She doesn’t
quilt but supports the Marines in her own way. She scoured stores, looking
for things NOT made elsewhere, but only in the USA. Turns out to be quite a
difficult feat! She sent three boxes filled with goodies. The pink backpack
was filled with a learn to knit kit: yarn, patterns, needles and all
conveniently packaged for a learning knitter. There were three jig saw
puzzles of varying complexity and a box of Pick-Up-Sticks (I remember them
fondly – NO BATTERIES NEEDED). Golden books were found and packages were put
together with cookbooks, utensils, potholders and dishtowels all in neat
presented packs. There were also four sets of hand knit baby blankets with
books, dolls, toys and other useful & fun kidlet things. The Marines loved
the Baby’s First Christmas and the toy truck sets in particular – good
choice and great packaging, Allana.

The final delivery was very special. Mike & Juli T from Phoenix had several
items: a card from all their company staff with wonderful inspirational
messages to the Marines. Juli found a beautiful quilt with a pair of pillow
covers that matched:

Last but DEFINITELY not least were the gift cards they sent. In the package
were the following:
Barnes & Noble: 26 x $10 = $260
Wendy’s: 20 x $10 = $200
Starbucks: 10 x $10 = $100
McDonalds: 28 x $5 = $140
That makes a total of $700. SSgt Maselli’s eyes got really big when he
realized what I just handed him….

Last photo is one of my keeping myself warm. With weight loss I need to
huddle in front of the wood stove a lot….so that’s where my spinning wheel
lives for now with my fanny as close to the heat as I can without catching

First time I’ve used my timer on the camera…..and yes, the wheel was
turning, but the shutter speed was so fast that it froze things. I’m working
on some pretty gray wool from UK to make into a nice sweater. Doggie toys
are strewn on the floor, and one brick fell out of the top of the stove, but
it will have to wait until the stove isn’t hot to evaluate it and all the
other bricks. Look ma – no hat!!

Therese Thomas
Enrolled Agent
Thomas Tax Preparation
30457 Valley Center Rd
Valley Center CA 92082
(760) 751-2542 (home office)
(760) 749-3794 (home)
(760) 860-5301 (fax)
(760) 803-4299 (cell/text) Phone doesn’t ring in the house but texts arrive