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October 6th, 2008

The Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center

Cordially invites you to join us for our 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Center.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
From 1:00 to 5:00 PM

Members of the Santa Rosa Youth Orchestra Will perform from 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Participation Clubs will have meeting and Events information available.
Enjoy specially prepared hor d’oeuvres and Taste a variety of Sonoma County wines.
Admission is free. There is a $6.00 donation for A commerative wine glass and wine tasting.
A silent auction will be held.

October Business Meeting Minutes

October 6th, 2008
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
October 2, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM.
Minutes: The September minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail. Earlene Maffioli moved that the minutes be accepted. Elizabeth Park seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.
Treasurer’s Report:   Jan Head reported that the 2008 budget is on track with income exceeding expenses mostly because of the fabric sale. This year’s newsletter has spent 50% less than the previous year, thanks to all of the members receiving the newsletter on the website.
The 2009 Budget meeting will be held at Pam McVey’s home on November 13th at 1:00 PM. If anyone has special requests or needs for the budget, please put them in writing. 
Old Business: Nothing to report.
New Business: Linda Hooper announced this year’s Honorary Life Membership Award goes to “The Go to Person” Phyllis Gallaway and presented her with a certificate.
Parliamentarian Holly Parma announced the proposed slate of elected officers for 2009:
            Linda Hooper                                              President
            Jan Andrews                                           Vice President
            Jan Head                                     Treasurer
            Cathy Rapp & Marian Fryer                        Recording Secretary
            Genie Becker & Janice Rodgers            Program Chairs
            Ronda Denny, Linda Thomas &
            Phyllis Gallaway                             Program Chairs Elect
            Carmen Black                                            Corresponding Secretary
            Janice Juul                                     Parliamentarian
Holly thanked Betty Upchurch, Janice Rodgers and Carol LeMonnier for helping her. 
Committee Reports:
Block of the Month:   Pam McVey announced the Block of the Month drawing will be postponed until the next meeting.
Tera Antaree-TSW: Tera reported that Cora Stewart will be teaching the Wheelchair Bag g at the next meeting on October 18th.   The 5th Thursday Retreat at the Luther Burbank Gardens will have a TSW workshop on “Intro to Machine Quilting”.
Phyllis Gallaway-MQSC Liaison: Phyllis invited all members to attend the Moonlight Quilt Guild’s Christmas Boutique at their next meeting November 5th.   Joe Cunningingham will present his “Musical Quilt Show” on November 19th.
Linda Hooper-Friendship Blocks: Linda showed four newly finished blocks. 
Glenda Ross-Opportunity Quilt Tickets: Glenda announced the amount received from ticket sales at the Fall Home Show. She stated it was like pulling teeth this year to sell that many raffle tickets. 
Mary Wood-Program Chair: Due to the Pacific International Quilt Festival, the Guild’s October programs meeting will be a play day. Bring your sewing machine and sewing supplies and help sew on Community Quilts, Boutique items, Wheelchair Bags or any of your own projects. 
Pam Beebe-Boutique:  Pam announced a sewing workshop for the Boutique at the Village Sewing Center on October 9th at 10:00 AM. Bring your sewing machine with either a walking foot or zipper foot, rulers, cutting mats and rotary cutters. 
Sharon Fry-Librarian:  Sharon introduced a new book to the library entitled “501 Rotary Quilt Blocks” by Judy Hopkins.
Lavella Cassinelli-Community Projects: Lavella has delivered 960 quilts so far this year. She is in need of the doll quilts and quilts for the neo-natal babies.  
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM to start the Quilt-A-Thon.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis
Recording Secretary

Business Meeting Minutes

September 5th, 2008
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
September 4, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.
Three guests were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.
Minutes: The August minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail. Doty Zagar moved the minutes be accepted as corrected.   Lavella Cassinelli Seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head’s treasurer tidbit for this meeting is the income received from the use of the SmartCard. It is an easy way to receive money for the Guild’s projects. If anyone wishes to have a card, please contact Linda Sims to sign-up.
Announcements:   Sue Deal from the San Francisco Quilt Guild is here today selling raffle ticket for their “Gypsy Shimmer” Opportunity Quilt.
The Guild was reminded that the membership roster is not a public document and it’s information should not be distributed to anyone outside of the Guild.
A thank you letter was received for the pillow cases, wheelchair and side bags delivered by Cora Stewart to the Veterans Home.  
Justine Lott is circulating two clipboards around the room for anyone wanting to order flower bulbs.   Proceeds from the sales of the bulbs go to the Guild.   
New Business: The Board inquired whether or not the membership wanted to establish a new category to the budget to cover outreach programs. The new category would allow the Guild to distribute a stated amount of money from our savings to worthy causes. Some of the concerns for this proposal included: losing our non-profit status because of disseminating cash, and the idea that any surplus should remain within the Guild for its own use.   After a very lengthy discussion, Phyllis Gallaway introduced a motion: As long as our spare money is within the treasurer’s operating expenses that we leave the money in savings for future expenditures. Doty Zagar Second.  The majority of the membership was in favor.
Lavella Cassinelli requested permission to purchase a mangle for the community project program. She has tried two used mangles with little success. With the increasing amount of quilts the Guild is producing each year, the ironing of the fabric is a gigantic job. Judith Clarke moved that the Guild approve the initial purchase of a mangle, as well as that the budget incorporate the yearly expenses of operating the machine. Lynne Atkinson Seconded. Vote: Unanimous.
Committee Reports:
Lavella Cassinelli-Community Projects:   Lavella is in need of more Neo-Natal quilts, she has put kits on each table.  A sewing day will be held at Luther Burbank Gardens on Friday, September 19th.   As of today, Lavella has delivered 897 quilts.
Glenda Ross-Opportunity Quilts Tickets: Glenda needs volunteers to sell tickets during the Home Show at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds on Saturday, September 20th from 4:00 to 7:00. 
Pam Beebe-Boutique: The boutique has held two brainstorming sessions and has come up with ideas for new items to be produced and sold by the boutique. Pam has sent an e-mail to members requesting items she needs such as fat quarters and buttons.  
Phyllis Gallaway recognized Pam Beebe and her helpers for all the work they do making and selling the items in the boutique.  Project workdays for the boutique have been set up for September 19th and October 30th at the Luther Burbank Gardens and October 11th at the Village Sewing Center in Coddingtown.
Barbara Cortelyou-Hospitality: The next meeting will be the Founders Day Luncheon on September 18th.   Barbara asked for help in the kitchen and decorating one food table. Many hands went up volunteering to help in the kitchen. Diana Roberts volunteered to decorate a food table. 
Jan Andrews-Newsletter/Sew-A-Row: Jan announced there will be a combined newsletter for September/October. The next newsletter will come out in the beginning of October.
Linda Hooper-Website-Friendship Blocks: No friendship blocks to show today. There is room on the website, if members would like to supply more information about the quilts they show during Show and Tell. Please send the information to Linda via e-mail prior to the meetings.
Carolle LeMonnier-Challenge Quilts: Carolle exuberantly reminded the members of this year’s Quilt Challenge that it is due September 18th at the Founders Day Luncheon. The quilts need to be placed in opaque bags. During the luncheon the quilts will be shown anonymously and them a vote will be taken for the winner.
Kathy Hannan-Block of the Month: Kathy introduced the new block called “Snowball Star” done in violets. The drawing for this block will be October 2nd. Directions are on a table in the back of the room or on the website. Today will be the drawing for the “Rolling Star” blocks.
Melissa Trunick-Field Trips: The bus trip to Pacific International Quilt Festival is full with twelve people on the waiting list. Melissa sent an e-mail out to the membership with a request for items to be sent to soldiers in Iraq who have not been receiving communication or care packages from home. Items can also be donated at the next meeting. 
Tera Antaree-Technique Sharing Workshops: Juanita Campbell will be offering today’s TSW on “Hawaiian Appliqué with No Needle Turning”. Sharon Fry’s sister, Susan, will hold a TSW at the Founders Day Luncheon entitled “Creativity and Mind Mapping”.  On November 6th, Pam Brown will share her techniques for envelopes and gift bags made out of calendars. Linda Hooper is offering a quick and easy table runner for the holidays on November 20th.
Diana Roberts is teaching a machine quilting class at Quilted Vine. During the 5th Thursday Retreat on October 30th, she will share her technique for machine quilting with a walking foot. 
Sharon Fry-Librarian: Sharon will be the Committee Chair for next year’s Opportunity Quilt.  She is collecting washed 100% silk ties for the new Opportunity Quilt during September. Sharon assured the Guild that it is safe to machine wash and dry the ties.  
Sharon introduced the new books and magazines to the library.
Show and Tell was held as well as the Name Tag and 50/50 drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis
Recording Secretary

The Great Quilt Challenge – Vote 2008

September 3rd, 2008

  On September 14 the "Quilt Challenge" will be due at
 ourFounder’s Luncheon.

We ask those that have chosen to participate in the challenge to drop off their quilt in a bag, before they enter the meeting hall. We will give you a receipt and a corresponding note card where you will write the name of your quilt and your "inspiration".    

During the luncheon we will show your quilt  "anonymously" and read your  "inspiration". The members will "vote" on the quilt that inspires them the most. 

  This is all in fun. (the prizes are hokey) You might win because the message is funny, inspiring, esoteric, weird, agrees with their political viewpoint, disagrees with their political viewpoint , or the darn quilt is beautiful!  

So come one come all join in the quilt challenge. Every day the election of 2008 has absolutely new material that can be rendered into a quilt. I had heard of Joe Biden but how many had even heard of Sarah Palin?     

There are no color /size requirements. The theme is "freedom ofchoice" and you must say somewhere on your quilt "Vote 2008".That’s it. So do it. And submit a challenge on September 14 in a bag it’ll be fun. And who knows you might win.



September 2nd, 2008
A few months ago there was a search for a mangle. I now have one that I think will work but I also ended up with another one that needs to go to a new home. It is one I have never seen before so I will explain. If any of you want this mangle you can pick it up.
It is a Norrahammars Bruk. Made in another country. It is a commercial machine and has wooden rollers that turn electrically. Nothing heats. It has a cast iron base. That is all I can tell you about this machine. Let me know if you want it or have an idea of someone that could use it. I need to get it placed.

Wounded Warrior Quilts and Updates

August 26th, 2008

Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 4:04 PM

Another trip to the WWB!  This time it was accompanied by one of the tropical storms passing through and my dirty, filthy truck got a thorough washing with the pouring rain.  Just wish the rain had made it to my dusty place.  There is lots to talk about this time.  One of the local newspapers (North County Times) did a little piece of the WWB quilts this week and I’ve had several inquiries from local quilters who didn’t know about the need for quilts on the Marines beds.  Several have said they will start on a WWB quilt next!!  One nice lady said she inherited a lot of beautiful quilt cotton from a deceased friend.  I’m shipping boxes of this to the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild who have been so generous with their so many quilts.  I have one puzzle from this assortment of fabrics, however.  There was a baggie with 100 blocks (3.5 inch cut; 6.5 inch assembled) which I could (should) whip into a quilt for the WWB.  I’m looking for clues on how they should be assembled.  Anyone out there who can put me out of my misery?

This past week I also had to purchase a new iron and my old one (only a year old) decided to spew its contents all over the ironing board.  For the first time I decided to not buy the least expensive iron and opted for one a tad under $100 – FOR AN IRON!  Now I remember my mother telling me that quality shows, and now I know that I should have sprung for the more expensive iron years ago.  It heats so fast, glides better than the old one and uses less than half the distilled water with much more steam being produced.  All those store trips to get more distilled water……

So, the WWB’s latest news is they have a service dog in residence – Jonah, a black Labrador retriever.  The Marines were telling me that he lives in the front hall, not being allowed in the sleeping quarters.  He is not lacking in attention, but has bonded with SSGt Stringer.  When SSGt Stringer walks by, Jonah will abandon petting and attention to go with him – unless he is actively **working** with one of the Marines.

 This trip I took, in addition to quilts, some Navel oranges and avocados from the Stehly Ranch, some nectarine jam from Heather C and some nectarine ice cream I made from Netta A’s Pauma Valley fruit that got too ripe to drive there.  After the photos of the quilts were taken I walked past the galley and the fragrance of oranges being consumed was delicious.  I could hear plans already being made for weekend guacamole from the avocados – those Marines were happy with the fruit!

 Now on to the best part – the quilts!  Jeanette G from Centennial CO sent a wonderful quilt that her 13 year old son had made to fulfill a boy scout merit badge.  The Marines were laughing at all the Bronco’s fabric and were delighted when I told them it came from Colorado.  They already had someone in mind who is a Broncos fan!.  Pretty impressive first quilt for this young man.

 Did you notice the bed and toys for Jonah???


Then there were two absolutely gorgeous quilts from Heather C.  One was an Irish chain quilt with loads of birds fabric and birds in the border in machine quilting.  Quite impressive.

 Jonah likes that quilt….


Heather’s second quilt was a Martha Washington square that was one of the monochrome quilts that ends up taking your breath away in the attention to detail.  Sometimes simple is quite not simple at all and quite complex.  Good job!.

 Last, but absolutely not least were SEVEN quilts that the Santa Rose Quilt Guild sent this week.  They have always been so generous with their time and talent which Is why I’m shipping these fabrics for replenishment of their stock.  The funny thing about the fabrics is that I don’t recognize them!  After so many years haunting fabric stores and viewing so many quilts, when I see someone’s inventory I can almost always recognize most of their fabrics.  Not these!!  They should have a head scratching time figuring where to use them!

 Well you know that you’d see that Marine at night when he’s jogging in that workout outfit….didn’t catch that when I shot the photo.

 Look at all those stars at the block intersections!

 I’ve never seen this pattern and loved the use of RW&B in waves…

There are now 30 residents in the barracks and close by.  This count (different from last newsletter) doesn’t count those living in their own nearby homes.  Residents are rotating out routinely but the number of residents doesn’t diminish as there are always new residents for the long term care.  I asked how the inventory of quilts was holding out, and was told that due to this rotation, they were almost out so were very relieved to have today’s delivery.

 Finally I have one more item to mention.  Some folks have emailed me with inquiries about how to support the Marines and troops that are over on the sand.  This is a particularly crucial time to send support.  During the holiday times the guys get inundated with items, but this is slack time.  Packages from home perk them up and also help relieve boredom.  I’ve found a great resource with the Navy Corpsmen.  These are the medics that are attached to and accompany the Marines on patrol over there.  If anyone is interested in what to send, how to ship or names of these medics, shoot me an email and I’ll be delighted to fill you in.  I just got a new list today, so the information is current.  I try to ship one or two boxes per week – one of my latest had some magazines I got from one of you quilters who sends car magazines (not to **my** taste but you know boys and their cars) and nestled in them was a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue – I think that box will be VERY popular <g>.

 Again, and I cannot say this often enough, thank you, thank you, thank you for the generosity of your time, talent, creativity etc in supporting these injured Marines at the Wounded Warrior Battalion, Camp Pendleton.

 Therese Thomas

(760) 749-3794


Wounded Warrior Quilts

August 15th, 2008

These are the latest quilts that Lavella has sent to the Wounded Warriors.


The quilts are really beautiful. Thanks to all that made them.


Relay For Life

August 11th, 2008

The following pictures were taken at the Relay For Life event in Windsor on July 26th.
Team: Be Up With the Material Girl

A big thanks for your donations and your time.
Betty Upchurch and Nicole Cowlin

One day. One night. One community. Relay For Life® is about celebration, remembrance, and hope. By participating, you honor cancer survivors, pay tribute to the lives we’ve lost to the disease, and raise money to help fight it all right here in your community.


Joining Double Fold Binding

August 11th, 2008

Ruth Lachman found these instructions for joining double fold binding while Googling on the internet. Ruth says, "They are the clearest and easiest to follow that I have seen so far".
Click on the following link to download the instructions.
double fold binding-joining-directions .pdf

Thanks Ruth

Business Meeting Minutes

August 11th, 2008
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
August 7, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Guests and two new members were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.
Pam reported that we have lost two really good friends. Katie Alix, a Guild member since 1982 and Martha Mattes, a Guild member since 1996 passed away recently.
Minutes: The July minutes were posted on the blog and a hard copy is available to members at the Library table. Lavella Cassinelli moved that the minutes be accepted as posted and Dotty Zagar seconded. Minutes accepted.
Jan Head reported that her husband is home and doing well and she appreciates all of the well wishes she received from Guild members. 
The Guild received a $50 donation from Myrle Hillback and a nice card from the Northwind Quilt Guild in Fairfield which was signed by every member of their Guild in response to the newspaper article about Lavella receiving the Jefferson Award.
The Harvest Fair is coming soon – Sept 5 is the deadline for entry forms which are available at the back table and at the Fair office.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported the account balance and that last month donations were over $1000 for community quilts and $800 for the Acorn Fund.
There will be a quilt show in Ukiah by the Grapevine Quilt Guild on September 13 and 14. There will be classes as well.
Pam McVey announced Guild members who won ribbons at the Sonoma County Fair:
Helen Anderson       Three 1st Place for
Best of Show
Best Use of Color & Design
Applique by hand, machine quilted
Tera Antaree       4th Place for Infant/Children Machine Quilted
                        5th Place for Machine pieced/quilted Another Lg
Pat Bass           4th Place for Machine pieced/quilted Another Lg
Genie Becker       3rd Place for Mach pieced /quilted Home Sm
Vicki David       3rd Place for App by hand, machine quilted
Linda Gwin       1st Place for Best Machine Pieced Quilt
Sue Haley       2nd Place for Machine pieced Quilt
Linda Hooper       1st Place for Machine pieced/quilt Home Sm
                        4th Place for Machine pieced quilted Home Lg
Carol Jarvis       1st Place for Any Other
                        3rd Place for Machine pieced, hand quilt, Sm
Angie Kiker       2nd Place for Machine pieced/quilted Longarm Lg
Blance Mansoor      2nd Place forInfant/Children Machine Quilted
Elizabeth Mars       1st Place Machine pieced/quilted Home Lg
Pam McVey       1st Place Best of Section
                        1st Place Machine Quilted on Home Mach
Sharon Mills       1st Place Machine Quilted by Another
                        3rd Place Machine pieced/quilted Home Lg
Cathy Ortelle       4th Place Any Other
Elizabeth Park      1st Place Tied
                        2nd Place Machine Quilted on Home Mach
Janice Rodgers      2nd Place App by mach, mach quilt home
                        2nd Place Machine pieced, hand quilt, Sm
Marilyn Swanson      Three 1st Place for
                        S.R. Quilt Guild Award
                        App by hand, hand quilted
                        Mach pieced, hand quilt, Sm
Karen Taylor      2nd Place Mach pieced quilted Another Lg
Shirley Ziolkowski 1st Place App by hand, machine quilted
Amie Trunick, age 6      Special award – first quilt MQSC
Pam Brown      1st Place Jacket
Tootsie Hunter, age 12      Our special award
And a few others in other categories
Congratulations were given to all and it was mentioned that 136 entries were hung at the Fair.
There will be an estate sale in St. Helena this coming weekend, August 9 & 10, 10-3 at 1331 Stockton Street. Items of interest are doll making supplies and textiles.
Committee Reports:
Phyllis Gallaway for Mary Wood, Program Chair: Announced the August Workshop: Linda Schmidt on August 22. And friends from Ukraine will be at the December meeting and will be selling their crafts.
Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt tickets:            Glenda asked for sign ups for selling tickets at the Home Show in September – a sign up sheet was sent around, and she reminded  members they need to pick up their raffle tickets.
Lavella Cassinelli – Community Projects: 799 quilts have been delivered to date. The fifth Thursday has worked out fantastic. There were 25 members working at the last one and the next will be in October. Doll quilts are welcomed.
Jan Andrews – Sew-a-Row:   Jan shared a few that needed more members to sign up. Today is their turn-in and pass on to the next person date. She will take starter rows for next year any time.
Pam Beebe – Boutique: The Guild made $208 at the Petaluma Show. Pam showed some new items: Chenille bunny, elephant with silk ears, gift bags, grab bag purse, and baby flannel burp cloths.
Tera Antaree – Technique Sharing Workshops: Today will be Hand Quilting Part 2: practicing. She thanked Marilyn and Mitzi for their expertise. 
There won’t be a TSW next meeting
Sept. 4 will be Juanita Campbell for Shear Hawaiian Applique
Sept. 18 will be Sharon Fry’s sister on creativity and mind sharing
Oct. – no TSW because of quiltathon and PIQF
Nov. – Holiday gift making
Look for details on the website. Tera asked if members would be interested in topics of mitered borders and hand piecing. She is also looking for someone to assist her. If anyone is interested they should contact her.
Melissa Trunick-PIQF bus trip: There are 10 spaces left for the Friday, Oct. 17 trip and she is opening it to non members. Melissa reminded members to bring lots of money. 
WIP (Works in Progress) are due on the third Thursday in November.
Linda Sims: Linda announced the Pixel Ladies Trunk Show on Aug. 26 at the Pointless Sisters meeting at 1 p.m. There will be a $5 program fee and it will be held at the Luther Burbank Garden Center, 2050 Yulupa Ave. in Santa Rosa.
The Community Smart Program cards can be ordered or renewed at a cost of $5. 
Kathy Hannan – Challenge Quilts: Kathy reminded members challenge quilts (topic: Vote 2008) are due at the Founder’s Day Luncheon on September 18.
Block of the Month: July’s block (4th of July) is due at the next meeting and we will be going off of the summer schedule of six weeks and back to four weeks to turn in blocks. She introduced the next block “Rolling Star”, a blue and aqua scrap star. She also welcomes suggestions and for someone to do Block of the Month next year and would will help them.
If anyone is interested in a minigroup on patchwork/history send Kathy an email at KTQuilts@gmailcom.
Anyone interested in doing a job next year might want to shadow the person doing the job in which they are interested.
Barbara Cortelyou – Hospitality: Barbara asked for sign-ups to bring food for the Founder’s Day Luncheon on September 18, the sign up sheet will be in the back of the room. Table decorators are also needed. Guests will include those who won ribbons at the Fair.
The Hospitality position is in need of someone to do it next year.
Glenda Ross announced that some of the Opportunity Quilt tickets were printed with perforations in the wrong place and asked Guild members to pick up those tickets to sell.
Sharon Fry – Library: Sharon showed some lost and found items which if aren’t claimed will go onto the auction table. She introduced new books and magazine issues and announced that $3500 was received from the fabric she brought in over several meetings.
Show and Tell was held as well as the name tag drawing and 50/50 drawing.
Betty Upchurch announced that her team raised $2700 for the July 26 Relay for Life walkathon and $2000 was from Guild members. Six quilts were donated and raffled off.
Lavella announced that a new member, Judy, brought her a large quilt for the Wounded Warrior Program and thanked her.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Meri Kay Gurnee
Corresponding Secretary