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Business Meeting Minutes

March 7th, 2008
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
March 6, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM.
Pam welcomed and introduced 3 new members to the Guild.
MINUTES:  The February minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail and posted on the blog. Doris Maneke moved that the minutes be accepted. Dotty Zagar seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Please see Jan Head for details of the February financial report.
The Board decided to request that the general membership allow the Guild to hire a CPA firm to do the State and Federal tax returns each year. A unanimous vote was held.   If any member has a recommendation for a CPA, please talk to Jan.
ANNOUNEMENTS: The Pointless Sisters are having an exhibit of 35 quilts at the Rincon Valley Library March 4th through May 5th. Brochures of the artists and their quilts are available in the back of the room.
East Bay Heritage Quilters Show “Voices in Cloth” will be held April 12th and 13th at the Oakland Convention Center. One of the featured artists at the show will be Jennifer Chiaverni, author of the ”Elm Creek” novels.
June Moes told the membership about an exhibit being held at the Santa Rosa Junior College Doyle Library displaying quilts by Virginia Harris. The exhibit lasts the entire month of March.   Virginia will be speaking on Monday, March 10th at 12:15 PM in the Newman Auditorium. 
Anne Dondero – Membership: Membership cards and 2008 rosters are now available at the membership table. Anne thanked Jan Andrews for all the help with the roster.
Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt Tickets: Glenda has free passes for the upcoming Home Show for volunteers who signed-up to sell tickets for the Opportunity Quilts. 
Lavella Cassinelli – Community Projects: Lavella showed a red and white Double Wedding Ring quilt that has been donated to the Wounded Warrior project. This quilt is so delicate that she has decided to raffle it since it is too fragile for the constant washing. Susan Silvey will be selling the raffle tickets. The money collected from the raffle will be used to purchase fabric for the community projects.
So far this year, Lavella has delivered 310 quilts to various community projects. Two quilts were delivered to a Bennett Valley mother and her toddler who were carjacked earlier this year. Lavella has also placed packets of quilt tops for the preemies on the tables so that we can work on them May 1st at the next Quilt-A-Thon. 
Mary Wood – Program Chair: This month’s workshop with Mary Mashuta is full. If a member still wishes to attend, please sign the waiting list. If someone drops out at the last minute they will not get a refund unless their spot can be replaced.
Mary showed a quilt for the April workshop “Interlocking Triads” by Marilyn Doheny. This workshop has a change of venue and will now be held at the Veterans Memorial Building. Phyllis Gallaway stated “This quilt works well if you pick really ugly fabric”.
Phyllis Gallaway – MQSC Liaison: Phyllis has placed volunteer and entry forms on each table today for the Moonlight Quilt Show June 5-8. A photograph needs to be supplied with each entry form. More forms can be downloaded from the SRQG website as well as the MQSC site. A special exhibit will be devoted to Laura Burch. If you have any items that will honor Laura please submit a form and photograph. 
MQSC is opening the March 22nd workshop titled “Paper-Pieced Calendar Wall Hanging” by Nancy Tiffany to anyone in the Guild who would like to sign-up. See Phyllis Gallaway.
Jan Andrews – Sew-A-Row: Jan showed the 5 Sew-A-Rows that need sign-ups.
Pam Beebe – Boutique: Pam displayed an embellished, fully-lined little girl’s dress size 3-4 that is selling in the Boutique. After each meeting, Pam will be having a sewing bee somewhere in the room for the making of boutique items. With the upcoming Moonlight Quilt Show in June, we need to get ready for the booth. So bring your sewing machines (or there will be lots of hand sewing as well) and help make items for the boutique.
Linda Hooper – Friendship Blocks: There are 4 different blocks available in the program at this time.
Tera Antaree – Technique Sharing Workshops:  Today’s workshop will be the ever popular Mystery Quilt with Melissa Trunick. Jan Head will be offering a workshop called “How to Prepare Your Quilt for Machine Quilting” at the March 20th program meeting.
Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month: March’s Block of the Month is “Chain Star” in yellows and purples.   At the next meeting please turn in your “Nickel” fabrics 5” pre-washed squares.
Pam provided entertainment in the form of a soft shoe while waiting for Kathy to change hats. Good Job Pam, we will sign you up for Dancing with the Stars.
The 2008 Challenge Quilt Committee (consisting of Kathy Hannan, Joan Bellinghausen and Carolle LeMonnier) announced that the theme of this year’s challenge is “Freedom of Choice”. The only requirement for this year’s challenge quilt is that it must contain the 2 words: “Vote and 2008”. The committee has a handout and will also have information on the website.
Sharon Fry – Librarian: Sharon requested that members not receiving e-mails from the Guild should e-mail her with their e-mail address and name so that she can add them to the list.
Sharon introduced 2 new books along with many donated ones to the library.
Mellissa Trunick – Field Trips/ UFO: Mellissa explained the rules for the upcoming Sewing Room Sale April 3rd. She also reminded the members that their UFO projects are due May 15th
Melissa showed us some of her ideas to help us organize our sewing room. 
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and name tag drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis, Recording Secretary

Russian Art Cakes

March 2nd, 2008

Art Cakes From Russia

Sharon Fry came across these pictures of incredibly decorated art cakes from Russia.

 Yes! The old singer sewing machine to your left is an actual cake completely edible. The rest of these stunning Art Cake pictures, which include a castle, a treasure chest, the Eiffel Tower, a beautiful gold scorpion, and much, much more can be seen at

Knit Preemie Hats

February 23rd, 2008

 The hats should be big enough to fit your hand that is made into a fist. The
  babies are very little. By the time they weigh 5 pounds they are no longer in
  the NICU. 

   Use baby yarn or sports yarn
  size 4 or 5 needles
  Cast on 24-24-24 (on three needles)
  Knit 2 Purl 2 for 6 inches
  Next row – knit (this is row 1)
  Row 2 – Knit 2, knit 2 together
  Row 3-4-5-knit
  Row 6-Knit 1, knit 2 together
  Row 7-8-9-knit
  Row 10 -Knit 2 together
  Row 11- Knit
  Row 12-Knit 2 together and bind off.
  No pompom

Crocheted Preemie Cap

February 23rd, 2008

 The hats should be big enough to fit your hand that is made into a fist. The
 babies are very little. By the time they weigh 5 pounds they are no longer in
 the NICU.

 3 ply yarn
 1 each 4/E and 5/F crochet hooks.

  In sc with larger hook, 22 sts = 4”; 24 rows = 4”
  With smaller hook, ch 6
  Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 4 ch; turn-5sc
  Row 2: ch 1, working in back lps only sc across; turn.
  Rep Row 2 until band is 10” long, slightly stretched. Do not fasten off or
  Row 1: with larger hook, ch 1, work 54 sc evenly along long edge of band:turn
  Row 2 (eyelet row) Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in next sc: *ch 1, sk next
  sc, dc in next sc; rep from * across; turn.
  Row 3: ch 1, sc in each dc and ch-1 sp across; turn.
  Row 4: ch1, sc in each sc across; turn.
  Rep row 4 until 2” from beg.
  Top shaping:
  Row 1: ch1; *sc in 4 sc, pull up lp in next 2 sc, yo, draw through 3 lps on
  hook for sc dec: rep from * across; turn – 45 sc.
  Rows 2,4,6,8: ch1, sc in each sc across: turn.
  Row 3 ch1* sc in 3 sc, sc dec: rep from * across; turn – 36 sc.
  Row 5: ch 1; * sc in 2 sc, sc dec; rep from * across; turn – 27 sc.
  Row 7: ch 1; * sc in next sc, sc dec; rep from * across, turn – 18 turn.
  Row 9: ch1, sc dec across; turn – 9sc.
  Row 10: Rep Row 2. Fasten off. Cut yarn leaving a sewing tail. With yarn
  needle, weave tail through remaining sts and pull tightly to close top.
  Do not use ribbon on caps.

Home of the Brave Quilt Project

February 21st, 2008

This quilt and its side panels was made by the California Chapters of the Home of Brave Quilt Project and contains the names of California’s fallen heroes and their home towns

Begun by Citrus Belt Quilters Guild, Redlands, Ca, in Aug 2004, under the guidance of member Don Beld—Home of the Brave Quilt Project is a grassroots movement that makes replicas of Civil War soldiers’ quilts to honor the fallen heroes of Op. Enduring Freedom  (Afghanistan) and Op. Iraqi Freedom for presentation to the families of the fallen. These quilts, like the originals, measure 48 by 84” and are being made by individuals and groups in all states. As of December 2007, close to 2800 quilts have been made and given. The project has been officially recognized by the Department of Defense and is listed at their website , which carries information to active duty service personnel and their families about civic and charitable organizations that support the military and their families.

This movement accepts NO government or corporate sponsorship or donation; each quilt is a gift of love from the hearts of the makers to the hearts of the families of the fallen hero. For more information, see there website

Technique Sharing Workshop Postponed

February 19th, 2008

Dear Ladies of the Guild,

We need to postpone the Technique Sharing Workshop on knitting baby
caps that had been scheduled for this Thursday, due to teachers being
called away. We plan to reschedule in a couple months, and hope to
offer a beginner style hat option as well, so hold onto your needles
and yarn and stay tuned.

Our next TSW will be Melissa Trunick’s Mystery Quilt on March 6th.
Supply lists coming soon!

Tera Antaree & Janet Shore
for Technique Sharing Workshops

February 7th Business Meeting Minutes

February 15th, 2008

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
February 7, 2008

President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:03 AM with an exuberant “Good Morning and welcome to the 1st Quilt-A-Thon of 2008”.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.

MINUTES:  The January minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail.  Doty Zagar moved that the minutes be accepted.  Doris Maneke seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Exciting news! Jan Head announced the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild’s financial statement is looking better than the current stock market.  Reimbursement forms can now be obtained on the website.  Please see Jan for details of January’s financial report.

OLD BUSINESS:  Pam received an e-mail regarding the Tri Guild Luncheon. Each guild receives 58 places for the luncheon and they already have 41 responses from Santa Rosa Quilt Guild.  Members wishing to attend this event need to R.S.V.P to


ANNOUNCEMENTS:  The office staff in the building where we hold our meeting wants us to know that when they leave the building for their lunch break they lock the front door.  They ask us to please ring the door bell located on the side of the door.

The Guild received a thank you for the donation of the quilt raffled by Linda Morand to the San Diego Firefighters.

Anne Dondero – Membership:   Information binders for new members are now available.  Today is the last day to pay this year’s membership dues and be included on the roster. 

Lavella Cassinelli – Community Projects:  Nice to see so many at the 1st Quilt-A-Thon of the year.  Lavella needs baby quilt tops for Sutter and Memorial Hospitals.  The Guild received a donation from the Community Foundation yet again this year. 

Lavella reported on the huge success for the 5th Thursday retreat.  Participants worked on getting quilts ready for today’s Quilt-A-Thon, boutique items and blocks for the Gold Families.

Mirna Estes will be taking over for Lavella for the next 2 months while she is having her knee replacement surgery.

Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt:  Glenda is asking for volunteers to sign-up for the Home and Garden Show located at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds March 14-16. 

Phyllis Gallaway – Moonlight Quilt Guild Liaison:  Reminder to save June 7 and 8 for the Moonlight Quilt Show.  They really need volunteers to help with the show each year.

The Moonlight Guild still has room available in the Mickey Dupre “Paintstiks” workshop on Saturday, February 23.  This is the same workshop that SRQG is holding (which is full).

Jan Andrews – Sew-A-Row & Newsletter: The newsletter will be available at the next meeting. 

Space is still available in the Sew-A-Row, located in the back of the room.

Linda Hooper- Friendship Blocks & Website: Linda showed the many blocks turned in today for the Friendship Block program. 

Pam McVey thanked Linda for the great job she is doing on the website and with the new additions to the site.

Judith Clarke – Boutique:  Pointed out the Valentine Angel on display at the boutique table.

Tera Antaree – Technique Sharing Workshops: After the next meeting, Pam Beebe will hold a technique workshop on knitting baby hats for the community project.  Supply lists for the workshops are now located on the website.  Upcoming workshops include: Jan Head teaching us how to prepare quilts for a long arm quilter and Melissa Trunick with the ever popular Mystery Quilt.

Mary Wood – Program Chair:  The class is full for the Mickey Depre “Paintstiks” workshop.  Reminder: there is a $27.50 workshop fee paid directly to Mickey at the time of the workshop.  Mary Mashuta will be doing her “Wagon Wheel Quilt” workshop in March.  Sign-ups are in the back of room.        
Sign-ups are now open for the April workshop by Marilyn Doheny, who will be offering “Triads”.  It is a method class using fabric strips cut into triangles and made into interesting designs. 

Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Two stands have been donated to help display the Block of the Month.  This month’s block is pink and brown fabric called “Framed Friendship”.  Bring prewashed 5” pink and brown scraps to the program meeting.

Kat Stephens – Photographer:  She asked for a volunteer to assist her in recording notes while she takes pictures.  Thank you to Cathy Rapp for volunteering.  Kat will be taking photos during our Quilt-A-Thon today for the website.

Barbara Cortelyou – Hospitality:  Barbara announced that we have lots of food today, including a birthday cake for Diana Roberts and Doty Zagar. 

Melissa Trunick – Sewing Room Sale:  Mellissa reminded the Guild of 2 upcoming events: The Sewing Room Sales in April and the UFO Challenge due the 3rd Thursday in May.

Sharon Fry – Librarian:  Will introduce the new books for the library during the Quilt-A-Thon.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and name tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:42 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,


Linda Emis, Recording Secretary








Looking for Sewing Machine Donation

January 24th, 2008

Hi Quilters, I’m relatively new to SRQG, but have been sewing since I was knee-high to a treadle machine.  I’m looking for a donation (tax deductible, of course) of a sewing machine in a cabinet for the YWCA Women’s Shelter. Preferably, 20-40 yrs old with good old metal parts. Any portable would help also. My plan is to have a cabinet model stay in the house and also rehabilitate portables to be given away to a needy resident after she becomes adept at using it.  I will be on-site frequently for instruction and to help with mending needs of women and children.  Please email me at      Thanks,  Suzanne Edison

TSW for Febrary 21, 2008

January 23rd, 2008


Lee Trevelyan is planning to instruct us on knitting baby caps.

Supplies needed :

      1 skein baby yarn (not wool)

      4 double pointed needles–size 5

American Hero Quilts

January 13th, 2008

A few days before Christmas, I sent a box of 15 kids quilts and 1 afghan that I’d been collecting for a few months to Sue Nebecker at the American Hero Quilts project at Madigan Army Medical Hospital in Vashon, Washington.

Yesterday, I received this note in the mail from Sue:

"Dear Jan and Santa Rosa Quilt Guild,
Thank you so much for the childrens quilts you sent to the American Hero Quilt Project.  We had run out.
Unfortunately, we had not run out of children who had lost their mom or dad in conflict.
Your hard work is greatly appreciated.
Sue Nebecker"

I just wanted to thank everyone who donated these quilts for the kids.  It breaks my heart that we need them, but we do, and so we will make them.
