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Home Quilting Systems

November 18th, 2007

In recent weeks, I have been approached by several members of the guild in regards to questions about home quilting systems. 

I purchased one of the first home quilting systems in 2000.  The table top "Superquilter". It, along with the Pennywinkle and HandiQuilter stand up frames were some of the first pioneers in home quilting systems that are designed very similiar to long arm quilting machines, only on a smaller scale budget for home use.

In 2003 considering the lack of information for new owners of these systems, and at the urging of several quilting system owners, I started the Homequiltingsystems Group on Yahoo.

This popular online forum gives quilters of the various stand up quilting systems a place to learn and share their knowledge with other quilters on  how to choose and use the various home quilting systems and the accessories that go with them. 

 I have also written and published several articles about the smaller home quilting systems for "Unlimited Possibilties", a long arm magazine.  Back issues are still available from  Meander Publishing who is currantly debuting a new publication along with their  "Unlimited Possibilities" magazine.  Their new publication is named, "Machine Quilting Unlimited", and will be specifically for the home machine quilter.

A good portion of my morning is spent at my computer answering emails and  overseeing what has become one of the largest groups on Yahoo.  "Homequiltingsystems at Yahoo"  presently has over 3500 members. (I still manage to squeeze time in for quilting though! )

If you own,  or  have an interest in knowing more about purchasing or using one of these very popular stand up home quilting frames please come and join the group at:

Group Owner

Jane Coefield, Austin, TX, and Leo Abbott , Minneapolis, MN.


November 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

November 5th, 2007

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
November 1, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:05 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The October minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Lonnie Moore moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Dottie Zagar seconded.  Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:   Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurers report.  Sandy asked everyone to submit any outstanding requests for reimbursement as soon as possible as she will be closing the books for 2007.



2008 Slate of Officers:  Janice Rodgers, Parliamentarian, presented the slate of officers for 2008.  They are:

 President:  Pam McVey
 Vice President:  Linda Hooper
 Treasurer:  Jan Head
 Recording Secretary: Linda Emis
 Program Chairs Denise Raney
    Janet Shore
 Program Chair Elect: Janice Rodgers
    Genie Becker
 Corresponding Secretary: Meri Kay Gurnee
 Parliamentarian Holly Palma

Janice asked for nominations from the floor. Nancy Parmelee moved the nominations be closed.  Dottie Zagar seconded.  Motion carried.

Pam has most of the program chairs covered.  She still needs someone to do hospitality and TSW.  If you are interested in working on these committees, please see Pam.


Norma Viglienzone asked for help in making blocks that would go into the quilts for the gold star families.  Thank you everyone who responded.  The blocks are on display.

Justine Lott – Bulb Sales:  The bulbs are in.  Justine thanked everyone who participated in the sales.  This project made $105 for the guild.

Linda Morand – Linda has been touched by the fires in Southern California as probably many of you have.  She wanted to do something for the community so she is going to donate a quilt which will be raffled off here and the money will be sent to the Red Cross and designated for the fires in Southern California.

Linda Sims – Community Smart Program:  Linda advised that the guild has earned about $800 this year from this program.  She explained the program.  If you are interested in participating, please see Linda.

Linda Sims – Pointless Sisters:  This is an art group and meets the fourth Tuesday of the month.  November will be their last meeting for the year.  Everyone is invited to join them.

Sharon Cahn announced that there will be an Art to Wear Show in Sacramento on November 10 and 11.  See Sharon for details.

Pam McVey announced that there will not be a November newsletter.  There will be a combined November/December newsletter later this month.

Pam McVey announced that there will be a joint board meeting on November 29, 2007 at the Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center starting at 10:00 AM.  The old board will be providing the food for the new board.

Joni Bellinghausen:  The UFO group will be starting up again.  They will meet on the second Thursday of the month at Material Girl in Windsor.  Everyone is invited and you work on whatever you want.

Committee Reports:

Kathy Hannon – Block of the Month:  Kathy introduced the new block which is rising star.  The drawing for September and October blocks was held.  Both were won by Raychell Sumner.

Holly Palma – TSW:  Today, Caroline Poage will be doing appliqué floral border.  Lavella will be sharing how to do a baby quilt.  They had more people willing to do TWS’s this year than they had room for. Holly encouraged someone to take on the coordination of the TSW’s.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper introduced a new block for Denise Raney.  There are still blocks available for Lynn Williams and Marilyn Altenbach.  Also, there are five kits left for the Amish butterfly for Virginia Hudak.  Linda is going to host workshop at her house on November 9, 2007 for anyone who would like to do an Amish butterfly block.

Linda showed the completed blocks that had been turned in.

Lavella Cassinelli – Community Quilts:  Lavella sent four quilts for the wounded warriors yesterday and one to Ryan Sobel, the young man from Petaluma who is in rehab in North Carolina.  To date, she delivered 876 quilts.  Lavella thanked everyone for working so hard on the community quilts this year.

Jan Andrews – Sew A Row:  The sew-a-row program for 2007 is winding down.  Jan needs all the rows back by the next meeting.  She is accepting starter rows for the 2008 program and would like them by the December meeting, however, the rotation won’t start until February.

Boutique – Pam Beebe:  The boutique is set up today.  Pam showed some of the new items they have in the boutique.  Come and shop.

Barbara Cortelyou – Hospitality:  Barbara reminded everyone that the December 6 meeting is our holiday luncheon.  She will be passing a sign up sheet around

Melissa Trunick – WIPS:  The works in progress challenge will be held at the next meeting.

Melissa Trunick – Homeless Project:  We will be putting together bags that go to the homeless shelters.  She explained the program and the goal is to do 200 bags.  Melissa will put the information on the blog.

Jenine Gilbin – Hospitality:  If there is anyone who isn’t able to attend the meetings and needs cheering up, please let Jenine know.

Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

Update: Marine Comfort Quilt Blocks

October 21st, 2007

The blocks will go into quilts being sent to Gold Star families –
families whose servicemember has been killed in the war (they are NOT going
into quilts being sent to soldiers). This has confused some folks and it
makes a difference in what one writes on a block.

 Please do not write within 1" of the edge of the block – this allows for
trimming and seam.

But….please do write a message of support to the family and sign your
name & hometown. It was so special to see in my quilt messages from people
in Chicago, Texas, Utah, Minnesota, and on and on. Also, these quilts may
well end up hanging on a wall (as mine is) so it is best to write so it can
be seen. (I have pens I’ll bring to guild with me.)

Block requirements are absolutely any block, any fabric, 12.5 square
(unfinished size)!

Thank you one and all for your contributions – they will be cherished
more than you can ever imagine.

 PS….if you want to make a bunch of blocks but you only want to sign a
few of them, I will take unsigned blocks and find groups to sign blocks
(MOMS is doing a packaging for the troops on Monday and I’ll be taking a
pile of blocks to them for signing). There are a lot of people out there who
don’t sew (crazy as that seems!!!) and they are usually so delighted to be
able to sign a block for a quilt.


Quilt Blocks Needed for Marine Comfort Quilts

October 18th, 2007

Greetings Fellow Guild Members,

 I’ve mentioned to you in the past that I’ve joined the Marine Comfort
Quilts Organization that puts together quilts for Gold Star Families
(families who have had a son or daughter KIA).

 I’m desparately seeking 12 1/2" squares to send to Illinois. They can be
of any design and need some tone on tone white or beige. The light colored fabric
gives a space to write a message within the block.

 The following is a part of an email from one of the two leaders of the

 —–  "As of 10/17/07 we have completed or are in the process of completing
the following quilts: 947 Marine, 2328 Army, 26 Air Force, 49 Navy, and 1
Coast Guard. This number equates to 100,530 squares that were used to make
these 3351 quilts, 3211 of which are complete.
  At no time in the past have we ever had so many of the Army families
registered. So, please, we know the holidays are coming but the war and
those dying do not stop for the holidays so please remember to keep sending
 in." J. Lang, MCQ

 If any of you have a moment to make 1 twelve and half inch square that you can bring to me at
Guild, I and so many others would be so very grateful. I will be
sure to have a couple of pens for use in signing the blocks. One of
the most touching things about these quilts is that the blocks are made and
signed by people all over the country.

 Thanks for any help you can give me/us.

 Norma Viglienzone

SRQG October 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

October 18th, 2007

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
October 5,, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The September minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Denise Raney moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Pat Schabel seconded.  Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The full treasurer’s report was not available.  Sandy Chan-Brown advised that we are solvent. She will send the report to Pam who will present it at the next meeting. Sandy will be gone for the next meeting.  Please submit any bills to her and she will get you a check before she leaves.




Programs – Phyllis Gallaway:  reviewed the upcoming programs and workshop.  In October, Jennie Rayment will be here, on her way to Houston.  Her workshop will be Sudoku in Texture.  Also, if you are interested in a four day Sally Collins workshop in February, there are two spots left.  Please see Phyllis for details.

Opportunity Quilt Sales – Glenda Ross announced that we will be selling tickets for our opportunity quilts at the quilt show in Sonoma on October 6 and 7.  She could still use some help in filling a couple spots.  Also, if you have not picked up your opportunity tickets, please see Glenda.

Nancy Parmelee:  Put in a plug for the Sonoma Quilt Show.  It will be a good start for PIQF.

PIQF:  Melissa Trunick The bus trip will be October 11, 2007. There are four seats left. Melissa reminded everyone of the pickup locations and times and to bring their medications, etc.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper reviewed the friendship blocks that are available.  Please see Linda to sign up

Diana Roberts – TSW:  Caroline Poage will be doing a workshop in November on how to add borders to large appliqué quilts.  Lavella Cassinelli will also be doing a workshop on how to do a baby quilt.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli is happy to see so many here today. She has plenty of quilts ready to work on.  If you are unable to stay, there are quilts available to take home and work on.  She has delivered 783 quilts .She has not set a goal for this year, but if we are going to reach the 1,000 mark she needs over 200 quilts ready for the rest of the year.

Jan Head – Long Arm Quilter:  Jan introduced herself and announced that she moved to the Windsor area from Hawaii earlier this year.  She has started her long arm quilting business.  Come and see her if you have need for long arm quilting services.

Jan Andrews – Sew A Row:  The sew-a-row program is in both the new and old stage.  The rows for 2007 are being finished and new rows for 2008 are being turned in.  She would like to have the new rows by the December meeting.  Details were in the newsletter.  If you have questions, please see Jan.

Boutique – Tera Antaree:  The boutique is set up today.  She highlighted a couple of the raffle prizes.

Valeska Lattin –  Valeska volunteers at the Sonoma County Museum.  They are having a White Elephant sale on October 13, 2007.  Come and see what they have.

Justine Lott – Flower Bulb Sales:  This is the last time to sign up for bulbs. The guild will receive 50% of everything that is sold.

Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Kathy announced that the block of the month would be extended until next meeting.

Newsletters:  The newsletters are ready for pickup.  Also, need people to deliver the newsletters to the various associates.

Parliamentarian – Janice Rodgers: Janice introduced the nominating committee and the slate of officers for 2008.  She asked that we begin to meet these people. We will vote on the new officers at the November meeting. Thanks Janice and committee for developing the slate of officers.  Thank you members for being  willing to serve.

Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines during lunch 

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary


Stitch n’ Times – October 2007

October 2nd, 2007

The currant issue of the October 2007 Stitch n’ Times has been posted on the website.  Save postage, save time! 

Jan Andrews,  our great newsletter Editor has "scooped" all the latest guild and upcoming quilting news! Don’t miss out on the fun!

SRQG Website Stats

September 14th, 2007

FYI:  Did you know that in August there were 70,741 hits on this Website!

Most popular place: The Blog

Next most popular place: Show n’ Tell

—following up with the newest page—– Friendship Blocks!

Who are these people? :o) and how do they find us? Have you ever gone to Google Search and typed in "Quilt Guild Websites"?  Amazing!

SRQG Webby

New Book by Judy Martin

September 13th, 2007

Judy Martin has written a new book!  "Judy Martin’s Log Cabin Quilt Book"— She says: "Quilters have always enjoyed Log Cabins. Now you’ll love making Log Cabins your Grandma never imagined!"

Expected publication date: Late October 2007.  You can pre order at Judy’s website:

 –Maybe Sharon can get this book wholesale later on.

SRQG September 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

September 7th, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The August minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Illona Moore  moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Earlene Maffioli seconded.  Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details.

NEW BUSINESS:  The Board has decided that we need to reinstate the position of historian.  If no one wants to do it, Sharon Fry is willing to do it.  Pam asked volunteers.  No one came forth.  Sharon Fry will be the Historian.
Lavella Cassinelli has raised the need for a mangle.  There is a lot of ironing required for the baby quilts, ie the fabric before it is cut, the backs and tops before they are sewn together and quilted.  They have been looking for one.  Dottie Zagar moved that the guild spend up to $300 for a mangle.  Phyllis Gallaway seconded for the purpose of discussion.  It was suggested that the amount be $500.  It was also suggested that we look into other ways to have ironing done.  Perhaps someone knows of a dry cleaner, laundry, etc who would be willing to do a large amount of ironing for us pro-bono once or twice a year.  Dottie amended her motion that the guild spend up to $500.  Angie Kiker seconded.  Passed.
Pam McVey read a thank you from the Santa Rosa YWCA for the quilts that the guild donated to them.
Janet Shore asked Pam to announce that the Pointless Sisters Quilt Show in Sonoma was a great success.    Contact Janet to pick up your quilt.
Glenda Ross announced that we would be selling tickets for our opportunity quilts at the Home Show on September 14, 15, & 16.  She needs help.  Also, Sonoma is having a quilt show October 6, 7 and she needs help for that show.
Betty Upchurch thanked the members for their support of her team for the Relay for Life.  She felt supported and was very pleased with the money that was raised.  One of the quilts that she made and was raffled off was won by Jim Wylie of Parkside Sewing.
If anyone has entered quilts in the Lake County Quilt Show, Betty Upchurch will take the quilts up for you.  Please bring them to either the September 20 or October 4 meeting.
Kathryn Hislop of Annie’s Star Quilt Guild in Chico introduced their opportunity quilt and gave a brief history of their guild.
The newsletter is ready.  If you don’t receive it online, please remember to pick yours up at the membership table.
Phyllis Gallaway announced that Road 2 California would be in January 2008.  They have invited guilds to bring their opportunity quilts and sell tickets.  You have to staff the table for whatever time you are there.
Jan Andrews announced that the people who do the Houston Show will be doing a show in Long Beach July 25 – 27, 2008.  If you would like to receive a free flyer, please email Jan to sign up. They are asking that the information be provided from the guild in list form, but we can’t do that without your permission.
PIQF:  Melissa Trunick’s Guild bus trip will be October 11, 2007 There are six seats left.
Gee’s Bend Inspired Quilt:  Kathy Hannan announced that the Bodega Ladies have done a Gee’s Bend inspired quilt.  They will be raffling it off to raise money for the Bodega Bay Volunteer Fire Department.  They will be bringing the quilt to the Founders Day Luncheon on September 20.
Diana Roberts asked if anyone would be interested in a support group to help  use the ideas from Sharyn Craig.  If you are interested, please see Diana.
Pat Meiswinkle asked is anyone had old buttons that they wanted to get rid of.  She is working on a quilt and needs buttons for the flowers.  She will take any buttons that you want to get rid of.
Angie Kiker, our webmaster for the SRQG website reminded members that when they request  articles be posted on the website Blog, they should check back to see if any  comments or inquires are posted that they may need to respond to. 
Committee Reports
Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs and workshop.  In October, Jennie Rayment will be here, on her way to Houston.  Her workshop will be Sudoku in Texture.  She will be doing the same workshop for Moonlight on October 20.  Phyllis reminded people to put their check in when they sign up for a workshop.  Your spot is not secure until you check is received.  Also, please put your name on anything that you take to a workshop so it can be returned to you.
Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper showed the friendship blocks that have been turned in.  There are four blocks available.  Please see Linda to sign up. Check out the detail of the blocks by going to the friendship block section on the web site.
Diana Roberts – TSW:  Kathy Hannan will be doing paper piecing today.  Caroline Poage will be doing a workshop in November on how to add borders to large appliqué quilts.  Lavella Cassinelli will also be doing a workshop on how to do a baby quilt.
Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli reported that to date, she has delivered over 783 quilts and 450 hats. October will be the last quilt-a-thon of the year.  As soon as the meeting is over, we will start sewing.

Barbara Courtelyou – Hospitality: Barbara reminded everyone of the Founder’s Day Luncheon.  Sign ups have gone well, but there are still some slots where they could use more dishes.  Barbara also reminded everyone to put their name on their utensils, bowls, etc.
Jan Andrews – Sew A Row:  Jan showed some of the rows that still need people to work on them.  It is never too early to start working on a starter row for next year.  Jan showed the first row she has received for 2008, which was made by Pat Meiswinkel.
Justine Lott – Flower Bulb Sales:  Sign ups are going around for bulb sales. The guild received 50% of everything that is sold.
Melissa Trunick- WIP:  The final day for WIP is November 15, 2007.
Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Kathy introduced the new block of the month. Directions are on the web site. Karen Boscolo won the block of the month
Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines. 
Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and nametag drawing.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM
Respectfully Submitted,
Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

Show n’ Tell Pictures

September 6th, 2007

The most currant Show n’ Tell pictures are now on the website! —  Enjoy!
