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June 2007 Stitch n’ Times

June 3rd, 2007

Don’t miss all the News!—-Jan Andrew’s, our wonderful guild newsletter editor has the  full color issue of "Stitch n’ Times" up and  ready to download from the website! :o)

Interactive Blog Articles!

June 2nd, 2007

To guild members that have taken the opportunity to sign up for our membership Blog on the website via a Feedblitz subscription—have you noticed the new format at the bottom of the articles that you receive in your email box? I just noticed it today! You can rate the currant Blog message, and also see a list of the Most Recent Articles that have been posted on the Blog.  

More Recent Articles

Sewing Machine Cart

May 23rd, 2007

I have been looking for a good rolling cart to transport my sewing machine, my extension table, sewing accessories, electrical cords, some fabric, books and ect.  I thought I had a O.K. carry case before I found this rolling one at Costco! It is intended for scrapbooking, but it turns out to be perfect to transport my smaller machine (Janome Jem Platnium 760) and everything else I can think of to put into it and make one trip into classes, sew in with friends, retreats and guild meetings.

 Everything in one place, with less trips to the car. I don’t know how often Costco has these in stock. I purchased this in March. If you are interested keep checking. The price as I recall was about $24.00 at Costco. The outside has a ton of storage pockets, and the inside is also lined with oddles of sectioned storage pockets. The cart has nice heavy duty rolling wheels and the extending handles are square metal tubing, so they don’t rotate or twist like the round extension metal handles tend to do.  The actual frame or case is a thick folding plastic type material.  The fabric covering and pockets are a heavy duty nylon. I really like the fact that it  also comes with a cover on top to keep out dust and rain when moving the cart from one place to another, or for storage in the sewing room between outings.   ~Angie

New Quilts of Northern California

May 21st, 2007

New Quilts of Northern California at the Pacific International Quilt Festival

The Northern California Quilt Council is accepting applications for quilts to be in the New Quilts of Northern California exhibit, part of the Pacific International Quilt Festival, which is held at the Santa Clara Convention Center from October 11-14. Your quilt may also be entered in the Pacific International Quilt Festival contest, but you need to fill out an entry form which can be obtained from:

Mancuso Show Management
PO Box 557
New Hope, PA 18938

The exhibit will be juried to 70 quilts. Medium sized quilts show the best, and quilts longer than 90 inches will hit the floor. We would like quilts that are new and have not been widely shown before—perhaps your latest work! 
Entries are due August 20, 2007 and acceptances will be sent by Sept. 1, 2007.
Please add a color picture of the full quilt and a close up picture with the title and dimensions of the quilt and your name on the back of the picture to:

New Quilts of Northern California
Elizabeth Marrs
2736 Creekside Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95405

Elizabeth Marrs: 707-528-6939
Sue Broenkow:  707-285-2433
Judy Mathieson:


_________________________________   Phone____________

Title of Quilt_______________________________________________________

Original Design______________ Traditional___________Made in a Class________

Size_______W x_____________H       Design Source________________________


For Sale: Vintage Singer-SOLD

May 8th, 2007

 SOLD! Janie MacIntosh, from Sonoma, is trying to sell an old (pre 1950) Singer in great condition with all attachments in a lovely cherry wood cabinet.    She’s asking $150.  If anyone is interested, please email her:

Show n’ Tell

May 8th, 2007

The pictures from our May 3rd meeting are on the website! Enjoy!


You Can Watch Quilting Shows 24 Hours a Day!

May 8th, 2007

Did you know you can watch quilting shows anytime from your computer at the following websites.

Kaye Wood TV Online
Videos and Programs, from her PBS Show
Excellent beginner piecing classes on line.

Simply Quilts Online
Videos and Programs from the HGTV Show
Wonderful piecing instructions on line.,,HGTV_22056_58466,00.html

Quilters News Network Online
Great shows for piecing and some longarm shows

Quilters TV Online
More nice shows for piecing and longarm

The Quilt Show
Ricki Timms and Alex Anderson are the hosts of this internet show

SRQG May Business Meeting Minutes

May 3rd, 2007

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
May 3, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:05 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The April minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Illona Moore moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Betty Upchurch seconded.  Accepted..  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details. Sandy reported that  CD has been renewed at a rate of 5.30 percent.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Pam shared a thank you note from Gerry McDonald.


NEW BUSINESS:  The new opportunity quilts were introduced.  The traditional quilt is the Bento Box and the art quilt is Farmers Market.  Linda Morand introduced the members of the Pointless Sisters who worked on the quilt and explained the process they went through to make the quilt.

Linda Sims announced that The Pointless Sisters Quilts will be on display at the Rincon Valley Library through May 7, 2007. They are also doing other programs with the library.

Carolyn Meigs from the Moonlight Quilters Guild asked for volunteers to help with the show on Sunday, June 3.

Phyllis Gallaway and Betty Upchurch, for, Nicole of Material Girl, announced that the Windsor Quilt Show will be July 1, 2007.  The quilt show is free, however, Nicole is asking for a donation which will go to the cancer foundation. If you go to her shop, you will see a couple quilts on display that Betty has donated to the raffle for the cancer foundation.

Committee Reports

Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the May program and workshop.  Samples for that workshop are on display. At this time she is still waiting for a program for June.  For the workshop on June 22, Betty Upchurch is willing to do machine quilting.  If you are interested in doing the machine quilting workshop, please sign up so Betty knows how many kits to make.  On the same day, Lavella Cassinelli will coordinate a top-a-thon.  The top-a-thon will start at 9:00 AM and the machine quilting will start at 10:00 AM.

Mini-Group:  The UFO group meets the 2nd Thursday of the month.  They will meet next week at Material Girl in Windsor.  All are welcome.

UFO Challenge -Melissa Trunick:  The UFO challenge is due on May 17, 2007.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper showed friendship blocks that had been turned in.  She still has room for a few more signups.

Opportunity Quilt Sales – Judith Clark for Glenda Ross:  The new opportunity quilts will be at the Moonlight Quilt Show on June 2 and 3.  They need people to help sell tickets at the show.

TSW:  Holly Palma  reviewed the upcoming technique sharing workshops. 

Sew A Row:  Jan Andrews reported that the sew a row is going well.  There are packets in the back waiting to have the next row added.  Please check to see if there is one with your name on it.

Block of the Month:  Kathy Hannon presented the block of the month for May.  The directions will be on the web site. The April blocks were won by Tera Antaree.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Today is the quilt-a-thon and she has a lot of quilts ready to work on.  To date she has delivered 397 quilts.  Since 1984, the guild has delivered 6,485 quilts and 5,533 hats to the community.  Lavella thanked everyone for coming today to work on the community quilts.

PIQF – Melissa Trunick:  The PIQF bus trip will be Thursday, October 11.  She will start sign ups in July.

Fund Raiser – Linda Sims:  Linda reminded everyone to look at the expiration on their Community Smart Card.  If they don’t send you a new card, please see Linda and she will help you with the renewal.

Boutique – Tera Antaree:  Tera thanked everyone who stayed to help with boutique items following the last meeting.  They will have two more workshops before the Moonlight Quilt Show.  They will be May 17 and May 31.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: Cards mean a lot to members who can’t get out.  If you know anyone who need cheering up, please let Jenine know.

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00AM and the quilt a thon began. Sharon Fry presented the new library books while helping hands were working on the opportunity quilts.

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

Needed: Laptop for SRQG Membership

May 1st, 2007

We were just thinking how so much of the business of living is now online, or at least on disc, and how enabling all of it is when we know how to make use of it.  Then we got to thinking how absolutely fabulous it would be to retire the old file card system used by Membership for 30 years.  It was once the only tool available to anyone who needed to maintain things such as membership histories.  Mind you, we would never throw away our heap of 3 x 5s.  It just might be that some guild member would want to make a copied-to-fabric collage wallhanging for a fund raising raffle.
So next our minds got to reorganizing quite a bit of what the Membership Committee must accomplish, not just at renewal time or when a new member joins, but throughout all 12 months, without fail, in a timely manner, preferably with no errors.  We know that the committee could make great use of a laptop computer.  We hope that putting this request out there will turn up someone who has been looking for a good excuse to pass along their laptop (in good repair) to make room for a new one.   Or we would graciously accept a brand new laptop if you know of an organization or business that would like to make such a donation.  Feel free to put the word out for us, and thanks.

Membership Committee Position Available

May 1st, 2007

              Department of Human Resources

   We are quite pleased with all that our committee has been able to accomplish.  Having joined this committee with Marilyn Vitali, about 18 months ago, I know quite well how much she has contributed to our success and it’s a lot.  She would like to pursue a different interest now and has become a volunteer in the Rohnert Park Public Library near her home.  We will continue to see her warm and friendly face at our meetings.
   Marilyn’s job has been to help process incoming dues, record membership renewals in a file card system and distribute membership cards.  Like all committee members, she handles the sale of pins, note cards and now, name tag kits.   We also keep a supply of new member binders filled and ready to go. 
   Additional responsibility is helping to set up the committee’s table and materials by 9:30 a.m., and help return all of it to the storage closet following the meeting.  We all do our best to welcome members as they arrive and pay particular attention to newer members by answering questions (or finding someone who can), and giving a brief tour of the various projects set up around the hall.   An excellent way of learning about our activities is to initially guide those arriving to sign in and supervise writing the name tags for those who have forgotten to wear one or haven’t yet made one.
   Each of us can cover for one another in someone’s absence.  It’s quite a lot of knowledge but no one is expected to learn it overnight.  We happily offer on-the-job training. 
   Marilyn, Janice Juul and I enjoy working with and supporting one another, and find satisfaction in the knowledge that we are contributing mightily to the success of our quilt guild.  So think about joining our team – we welcome new ideas and a sense of humor.  Marilyn will stay for a while to help train our one or two, or even three trainees.

Patricia Kearns