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Stitch n’ Times

May 1st, 2007

Thank you Jan! The newest edition of our Stitch n’ Times is ready to read, download and enjoy! In full color here on the website!


Show and Tell Pictures

April 22nd, 2007

All the April Show n’ Tell pictures are now available on the Website! I was away at a quilting retreat and missed the first meeting in April, so I’m  late this month updating the pictures. I had fun at the retreat, and from seeing all the Show n’ Tell images–all of you were having fun too! Great pictures! Wonderful Quilts!

 Sorry, I’m missing some pictures, and also some of the members names that go with the pictures. If you know a name that goes with a picture please email me with this information so I can make the correction. Thank you everyone for sharing your wonderful  projects! Enjoy!

PS. Since I uploaded the pictures late-late last night,  I may have missed the Feedblitz deadline for sending out notification. So, for those of you that visit the Blog daily (thank-you!)—you get to see the Opportunity Quilt Winners first! Isn’t it wonderful that the winners are local!


Opportunity Quilt Winners!

April 22nd, 2007

This past week the guild had the 2006/2007 Opportunity Quilt drawing. The wall hanging "Greetings from the Wine Country" was won by La Nor Francis, Healdsburg, CA.

The "Offset Log Cabin" quilt was won by Barbara Cortelyou, Santa Rosa, CA.

Congratulations to both winners!

Pam McVey (rt.) and Janet  Shore (back lft.) with La Nor Francis, the Winner!

Barbara Cortelyou, the Winner!

April 5th Business Meeting Minutes

April 17th, 2007

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild

The meeting was called to order by Vice-president Linda Hooper at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The March minutes are on the blog.  Linda asked for questions or corrections.  Lavella Cassinelli moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Judith Clark seconded.  Accepted..  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details.



The auditor’s report has been received.  The report confirmed that the books are in order, except for some minor discrepancies in receipts.  Steps have been taken to resolve the discrepancies.


Vicki David from the MQSC, Volunteer Coordinator explained what was involved in volunteering to help with the quilt show and asked for volunteers.

Phyllis Gallaway announced that Beverly’s has a new discount program.  Seniors, 55 or older received a 10% discount and guild members receive a 15% discount.

Betty Upchurch announced that Freddie Moran will be at the Material Girl in Windsor for two classes: October 26 and October 27. The cost for each class is $80.

Affiliate Updates:  None

Committee Reports

Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs. Phyllis also highlighted the upcoming Moonlight Quilter’s program. 

The June speaker has canceled.  There will be no workshop in June. The workshops need to be self supporting.  It is one of the best deals at a cost of $35.  If we can’t support the workshops, we will have to stop putting them on.

TSW- Diana Roberts report on today’s TSW.  Linda Sims will be doing her color theory.

Fund Raiser –Justine Lott announced that we would be doing the bulb sales again.  Anyone interested, please Justine or sign up on the signup sheet.

Membership:  Janice Juul announced that updates to the roster are on the tables.  The new policy regarding membership dues is:  They will accept only checks.  They will be available for membership business before the meeting and the books will close 20 minutes after the meeting is adjourned. Janice encourages everyone to see them at the membership table before the meeting or immediately following.

Sew-A-Row- Jan Andrews show a couple of the sew-a-rows.  They need people to sign up to complete a row.

Newsletters –  Jan Andrews asked everyone to pick up their newsletters.

 Friendship Blocks -:  Linda Hooper introduced a new block for Lavella Cassinelli.  There are still spaces available for Sharon Fry and Linda Hooper. A show and tell of completed quilts or quilt tops from friendship blocks was held.

Community Donation- Judith Clark and Glenda Ross were asked to make a presentation to the Santa Rosa East Rotary.  Jean Chirhart from Santa Rosa East Rosa presented the guild with at $500 check for our community quilts.

Block of the Month:  Kathy Hannon presented the block of the month for April.  The directions are on the web site. The March blocks were won by Raychell Sumner.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli introduced Meg Easter Dawson from The Valley of the Moon Children’s Home.  Meg gave an update on the home and thanked the gild for all the work the guild does on behalf of the kids.  Meg was presented with 52 quilts for the Valley of the Moon Children’s Home after a show and tell of the beautiful quilts

Lavella reported that so far this year she has delivered 315 quilts and 150 hats.  The next quilt-a-thon will be held on May 3, 2007.

Quilts for the Wounded Soldiers were shown.  Loretta Luz will be going to Camp Pendleton and will deliver the quilts.

UFO Challenge –  Melissa Trunick reported that the UFO challenge will be the 3rd Thursday in May.

Library: – Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing. The 50/50 drawing was won by Jeanette Hensley.  The name tag drawing was won by Juanita Campbell.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

Wounded Warrior Quilt Top

March 29th, 2007

I completed the machine quilting on  my first Wounded Warrior quilt top Lavella had given me. The colors and designs on this quilt top were so great!   Just perfect for one of the soldiers at Camp Pendleton I felt.  Lavella couldn’t recall who had made this quilt top.  Does anyone recognize the designer/piecer? Is this your quilt top?  I just wanted to give a special "thank you" to this person.  It was fun doing the quilting  and you did a terrific job designing it.  :o) .

 ~ Angie and "Rosie" the long arm :o)

April 5th Sewing Room SALE!

March 29th, 2007


Details about the Sewing Room Sale on Thursday, April 5th, 2007

All members are invited to spring clean their sewing rooms, homes,
garages, husbands workshops, etc.

Bring the items pre-priced to the meeting.  The sale will happen AFTER
THE MEETING.  If you are able to claim a space to set up before the
meeting, please bring a sheet or large piece of fabric to cover your
stuff until later.  We want people to pay attention to the
announcements and not be up browsing the sale tables.   : )  Bring
your own cash box and change!!! 

Suggestions for selling your other items.  Measure and label fabric,
put together Ziploc bags of smaller items and sell as a grab bag,
purge your notions, gadgets, rulers, sewing machines, etc.

Sell your stuff and pocket the cash!    Clean out the garage and then
you can buy yourself that long-arm sewing machine that you really want!

Everyone else needs to bring cash so they can buy your stuff!!!!

Questions??? Please call Melissa at 838-3316 or e-mail her at

Stitch n’ Times

March 27th, 2007

The full color edition of the April issue of Stitch n’ Times is now on the website!  Jan has  packed this issue with information on upcoming events, workshop news, pictures, and also—–  the yummy recipes from the Tri-Guild luncheon (which are only available with your online edition of Stitch n’ Times).

 Thank you Jan!—another great newsletter! 


Making Quilts from Clothing

March 27th, 2007

I visited your booth at the Sonoma County Home and Garden Show and was told that I may be able to find some assistance with you.  My Mother and Father both passed away within the
last year and I have some of their clothing that I would desperately love to turn into 3 small "throw" style quilts for me and my siblings.Any information or guidance would be so greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much for your time.

 Lyz Solorzano

Painted Turtle Camp Needs Quilts

March 27th, 2007

The Painted Turtle Camp is in need of quilts for the beds.  The camp has various family weekends during Spring and Fall with the main week long camping sessions beginning on June 16th. They have 8 week-long sessions and need approx. 100 Full Size quilts per session: 800 Quilts.  Each child takes home a quilt and a turtle pillow when they leave. They are overstocked with lap blankets, but in are in need right now for full size cloth quilts. (not crocheted or knitted afgans.
You can read more about the quilts and the camp at  The Painted Turtle website.

"The Painted Turtle seeks to reach beyond illness, to inspire children with life threatening diseases to become
their greater selves—-"

Size of quilt: 60" x 80"
Creative patchwork quilts to decorate twin size beds.
Please make sure the quilts are machine washable and not too heavy or too warm.

Thank you!

Please contact Lynn McKenna at 707-433-9106 or email Lynn at:
or Amy Shellhase at:


Win a Quilt!

March 24th, 2007
I met this nice woman today—
"Wild Goose Chase" author, Terri Thayer, is giving away a quilt.  Just sign up for her newsletter at
"Wild Goose Chase" is the first in a quilting mystery series from Midnight Ink, to be published in January 2008.  That will be followed by two more quilting mysteries and "False Impressions", the first in a rubber-stamping mystery series from Berkley.  Sign up to be notified when the books are available and where Terri will be appearing. 
~ Pam McVey