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Show n’ Tell Pictures

March 18th, 2007

Hey! want to see some beautiful quilting projects? Check out the current Show n’ Tell pictures! Inspiring! Awesome! and Wow!  what talent!

All the March pictures have been uploaded to the website….Enjoy! 


Robyn Pandolph Quilts Stolen

March 17th, 2007

Thieves in Galvaston, TX. broke into 3 cars parked along a Galveston street  this past week. One of those vehicles belonged to Robyn Pandolph. They stole 30 of Robyn’s lovely quilts. They were in suitcases in her car trunk. (even car trunks are not safe) You can read more about this theft in the Galveston Daily News.

How sad, 12 yrs. of  work on these beautiful quilts and they have disappeared. Hopefully due to the distinct fabrics she designs  and uses to make her quilts the thieves will have a hard time selling them (online auctions and Craigs list)—and they will be recovered safely.


National Quilting Day!

March 15th, 2007

      Did you know that Saturday, March 17th is National Quilting Day!   Read more about  the origins of this event, National Quilting Day


Happy Quilting!


Trans Web Fusible

March 15th, 2007

I enjoyed today’s speaker, Debby Kratovil,  very much. She shared a lot of good tips and ideas! I came home and Googled "Trans Web Fusible" and came up with several online websites that sell this particular brand. One of them was Joann’s Fabric. (online store). Hopefully our local Joann’s has "Trans Web" too. (The packaging looks familiar.)

Wounded Warrior Center at Camp Pendleton

March 14th, 2007

March 2007 Update from Lavella Cassinelli, Community Quilt Project Chairperson.

The LA Times article that I shared with you last week was a particularly nice **use** of the press by the USMC.  After all the bad press that Walter Reed Hospital has gotten, the folks at the WWC got out the news that the USMC can take care of their own wounded and in great style.  There was not a hint or whiff of “we need” in the article, which might have bothered some of you working so hard out there.  In my opinion they needed to stand tall and be proud of what they’ve accomplished as they did.  The help that we and so many other folks have provided doesn’t diminish the fact that this Center is such a positive force for the healing of these young Marines. They would have done it without our help, but our interaction has just made it BETTER. 
SSgt Sommer told us today that there were currently 14 residents and he thought that nine had been discharged.  The place is hopping with folks.  Everyone we encountered was busy – and very cheerful and pleasant.  While we were there a group of VFW gentlemen arrived and we tagged along with their short tour.  SSgt Sommer was particularly proud of how well equipped the place has become and he proudly admitted to the VFW gents that everything in the kitchen and rec room areas had been donated by wonderful folks or purchased from donated funds.  He loved showing them the new quilts and talked to them about how generous folks have been all over the country with these quilts.
Remember the email that I sent from the lady who had her mother’s fabrics to donate in the Dallas area?  Some organizations are going to get the fabric and notions and use them for charitable causes, which is a great relief to her.  What she shared with me is that at her work they are drumming up donations for gas cards for the WWC.  When I told this to SSgt Sommer his face really lit up; with the recent increase in fuel, the cost of operating vehicles by the residents really hits their pocketbooks.  This is the first time I’ve heard of fuel cards being requested/mentioned/donated and it appears that this is a great application for these guys.  from: Therese Thomas, EA.

Mystery Quilters

March 14th, 2007

For those of you didn’t take the class and missed out on the fun………..
I am having a small group at my home next Wed. 3/21 at 9:30 am to teach the
mystery class again

It should take about two hours to go through all the
steps and finish the first several blocks.  You are welcome to stay and keep
sewing or take off after the unveiling of the mystery.  I can have 6-8
people at my house so let me know….   838-3316

For those of you who can’t wait until next year’s mystery,  I am teaching a
NEW mystery at Material Girl in Windsor on Monday 3/26.  10:00 am – 2:30 pm.
Cost is $10.00    836-0114

Also at Material Girl, this Friday, 3/16, Linda Ballard is teaching a class.
This one is NOT  a mystery. 

All day class starting at 9:00 am, lunch
included, $75.00 call the shop at 836-0114
TIME TO SPRING CLEAN AND MAKE SOME CASH  ….  Bring your items to the
sewing room sale after the guild meeting on 4/5.  Price your stuff to sell
and pocket the cash.  Books and flat patterns, magazines may be tagged and
put on the front table to sell.  See Melissa for the necessary form, you
will get the money.  questions, Melissa

Finish your UFO’s for the challenge due on May 17th.  Prizes await !!! Fame
and glory, too!!!

Yes, the kids are still collecting empty ink cartridges for computer
printers as a school fundraiser.   🙂
Is it nap time yet???

Pieceful dreams to all,

Feedblitz Not Working

March 12th, 2007

Thank you everyone who has contacted me regarding Feedblitz email notificatioin not working. I’m aware it has not automatically sent out messages in the last 24 hours.  Sorry this is happening.  Hopefully you are still coming here daily and checking the Blog messages.  I have contacted Feedblitz and hopefully it will be up and running soon.

SRQG Webby

Show n’ Tell

March 10th, 2007

All the Show n’ Tell pictures have now been uploaded to the website for viewing. Joanie B. also took lots of pictures at the Tri-Guild Luncheon, and I’ve uploaded those to the website as well. Thanks Joanie! Everyone– Enjoy!

Esterila Austins “Misty Fuse”

March 10th, 2007

I was wondering if anyone has used Esterila Austins "Misty Fuse". It is supposed to be lightweight and very pliable. I found this on sale at:

But would appreciate some feedback on this fairly new product. (sounds good) but I wonder how it works if there is no paper to trace onto??? like Wonder-Under. — Thanks!


The Website and Blog

March 10th, 2007

Hi Everyone!

I was looking over the stats of the website and the blog this a.m. We average over 743 hits on the website on any given day! and even more members and visitors read the Blog.  That is encouraging news that our guild members and also other guilds that are linked here are using the website/blog on a daily basis for information.   I’ve also received several emails from other quilt guilds wanting to know more about how our Blog works in connection to our Website, and how they can start a Blog of their own. 

If you haven’t already subscribed to Feedblitz, our automated email notification system, please try it.  This will keep you  keep updated daily with ongoing information that is posted  here at the  Blog. ( the Feedblitz option is over to the right, and down the page here) Just follow the directions and confirm your Feedblitz subscription when it arrives in your email—and you will be subscribed. :o)

If you have any articles or information you would like posted to the Blog, please forward it to me and I will post  it here on the Blog for you.  It can be about anything —really.  Not just quilt related.  A reminder: please come back and check the "comments" left on messages you have requested to be posted here, and then you can respond back to the person commenting. 

The website Blog is interactive and set up for members to chat and exchange all sorts of information. Also, each month  messages are Archived, so you can go back and look at what was posted in Feb. Jan. and Dec. —etc. whenever you want.

We have 11 Catagories at this time to post messages into:

Guild News
Library News
Machine Embroidery
Places to Go & Things to Do
Pointless Sisters Art Quilt Group
Sewing Spaces
and Uncategorized

I can add more —anytime!  Email me at with your  questions or blog messages! 

SRQG Webby