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New Member Orientation March 15th

March 7th, 2007

New Member Orientation

 This includes not so new— is scheduled for March 15th in the 1:00 pm *TSW time slot, following the meeting and lunch. 

A special name tag project, designed and assembled by Angie Kiker, will be available at no cost for all new members (and newish).  It has clear instructions and even if you have never quilted before you will be able to create your individual nametag.  We think it may prove very popular so have planned to make kits available to all other members for a fee of one dollar.

The meeting format will have several committee chairs giving a brief outline of what each of them does, with time for questions and answers.  The hoped for result is that our members will have a clearer sense of what all the commotion is about, thereby making it easier to get involved in ongoing projects.

If you are reading this and not yet a member or not yet renewed, be aware that membership is not required to attend this event.  Please introduce yourself to the Membership Committee ladies who are seated at the table just inside the entry.   They are Patricia Kearns, Janice Juul, Marilyn Vitali, and an occasional member or two who wants to help out. 
*TSW is short for Technique Sharing Workshop.  Each month a member with a particular specialty in her/his repertoire, will present a demonstration related to quilting.  These are unpaid volunteers and there is no cost to the participants.

~ Patricia Kearns

SRQG Business Meeting 3/1/07 Minutes

March 6th, 2007


The meeting was called to order by Pam McVey, Pres., at 10:05 a.m.
She introduced several guests and new members.

An informal committee presented Dennis and Norma Viglienzone with the quilt many members made to honor their son, Caesar, who lost his life just over a year ago in service in Iraq.  The full size quilt featured many pictures of Caesar  throughout his life and the family accepted this beautiful gift with grace and appreciation.

Pam McVey referred the membership to the minutes published on the web site and Lavella Cassinelli moved they be accepted as presented.  Lonnie Moore seconded it, and it passed unanimously.

Sandy Chan-Brown reported the current income, outgo and balances. Please refer to the written report.


Pam and Betty Upchurch reported that the Board determined that the sound system in the building is inadequate for our use after several attempts at adjustment by the building staff.  They approved purchase of a new system and the rental of that system for this meeting and the Tri Guild Luncheon.  It is proving to be a successful trial and it was requested that the membership address this question.  Lavella Cassinelli moved we purchase the sound system at the price of approximately $500.  Judith Clarke seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Announcements:  A thank you letter from Fran Wessel was read regarding her receiving the friendship quilt made for her by the membership.  She included a picture of the prized quilt hung above her sewing machine.


The committee requested help distributing newsletters to shops and invited members who do not have email to pick up their newsletter at their table.

Lavella Cassinelli reported that the Quiltathon was very successful and there are still many quilts to finish.  Also she has put out packets in a variety of sizes this month, including 6×6 and 6×8 without borders and 7×8 with borders.  We don’t need as many baby quilts as the Sutter hospital situation is in limbo.  They are also packeting orphan blocks.  They made quilt tops from Block of the Month blocks to finish at the next Quiltathon.  This provides lots of variety for volunteers.

Glenda Ross announced she has passes for those volunteering to sell tickets at the Home Show.   Pick them up from her.

Phyllis Gallaway said sign ups for the April workshop on wave edges is being cancelled for lack of interest.  She suggested an alternate of a party bags quilt and said she will assess sign up numbers before signing a contract with the presenter, Tracy Brookshire.  The Rosebud mini group will do a presentation of their quilts that month. 

Phyllis also reported a workshop by Sally Collins in Feb., 2008.  This is on precision piecing very small quilts.  See her if you are interested.

Jan Andrews asked members to check on the sew a row table to see if your turn is up.  You can take the packet home now and also sign up in a blank space to participate.

Announcement:  Jan A. also announced there is an old quilt being raffled today, so buy tickets from her in the back of the room.

Diana Roberts announced there are several interesting TSWs coming up and today is Jan Andrews demonstrating the Weed Whacker Quilt.

Linda S. reminded all of the Community Smart Card and the Albertson’s card. She noted these programs made us about $1,300 last year.  Get your card from her and just have them scanned when you shop.

Linda Sims said this mini group of about 20 people is open to all members, Meeting once per month at the Art Center on the 4th Tuesday.  They are having their first quilt show at the Rincon Valley Library from 3/6 through 5/8/07.  There are about 40 quilts there, between Middle Rincon  and Calistoga Rds.

Joanie Bellinghausen reminded us the Quilt Show is coming up and sign up forms are available for volunteering and for submitting a quilt.  There are many assignments and good free breakfasts and lunches for the volunteers.  The forms have to be back by 5/2/07.

Joanie Bellinghausen and Marilyn Altenbach announced the challenge will be your name or initials in Black and White , with one colorway included.  This group of quilts will be shown at the 2008 Moonlighter’s Quilt Show.  They suggested using the Computer to find interesting fonts.  They also suggested a new mini group could be started to focus on this project.  Due September 20, 2007.

Kathy Hannon reminded all to turn in their block for this month.  Get a ticket in the drawing for every block.  Make extra for the Community Quilt program.
She showed the new block, Star of the West, an easy block in greens and yellow.  It is due 4-5-07.

Tera Antaree showed some items featured at the Boutique.  She noted that the Boutique has been moved to the back of the room to make it more accessible.  The activity sign ups are now on the side.  She described the up coming workshop retreat and encouraged all to come and make items as we will need a lot for the Quilt Show coming up.  The Workshop is March 29th, Thursday, 10 am to 3 pm.  Bring lunch or get one nearby.  It is at the Place that Sells Sewing Machines.

Linda Hooper asked that all having earned blocks bring their tops/quilts for the first meeting in April.  New blocks:  for Sharon Fry, use the color wheel to do a color study.  Linda could use more sign ups for her Halloween blocks.  She showed two cute ones she just received.

 Norma Viglienzone reminded those bringing food not to bring it too early.  The meeting starts at 10:30 and lunch is at 11:30.

Betty Upchurch reported all is in order for the lunch on Saturday.  She reminded the hostesses that they don’t need to bring anything, just come at 9 am prepared to set up their tables.  Twenty-five or more baskets of gifts are being auctioned after lunch.  Karrie Hershey from lake Co. is the speaker, sharing her quilts and her quilt collection.  There seem to be a few seats left if you don’t yet have a ticket.  See her.

Melissa Trunick asked that the participants of the Feb. Mystery Block workshop bring quilts or tops for show and tell and the next meeting.

Melissa said she has tags for your items for the sale which will be on 4-5-07.


Melissa noted that the show of ufo projects will be on the 3rd Thursday, May 17th.  You can still add yourself to the list with $5 per project.

Announcement:  Melissa T. is still collecting items for school fundraising, including computer printer ink cartridges, old phones, etc.  She turns them in to the school district office.

Lee Trevelyan asked folks to sign up to bring food for the next meeting.  The list is being passed around.  She expressed the generally agreed congratulations to the Board for getting the new sound system.

Announcement:  The membership was reminded to bring the 8 ½ inch rose block to the Tri Guild Luncheon.

Pat Meiswinkle read a thank you note for the “Bag Alongs” from the Rehab services at  the Senior Center.  You can get packets from her.

Announcement:  Jenine Giblin thanked Linda Hooper for making identification stickers for library books and return address labels.

 Sharon Fry shared new book and magazine info and offered assistance in finding ideas for the rose block.  There were donations of several older books to add to our library.

Show and tell followed and the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 am.
Lunch, auction table, prize drawing and the TSW were enjoyed.

Respectfully submitted by
Judith Clarke, Substituting for
Doris Maneke,Recording Secretary

Free: Antique Wood Quilt Frame

March 2nd, 2007

Susan Fredricks of Cloverdale has a wooden, antique quilt frame she’d like to give away to a loving home.

  Her phone number is 707-894-3767 —or you can e-mail her at

Tri Guild Luncheon Reminder

February 28th, 2007

(I thought I would post this again for those of you that may have missed it on the Blog Jan. 22 when it was first posted.)

The Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
invites you to the
Tri Guild Luncheon
"Everything is Coming Up Roses"

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007
10:30 a.m – 2:00 p.m.
Scottish Rite/Masonic Lodge
600 Acacia Lane

Lunch served at 11:30

Door Prizes!

Guest Speaker will be Kerry Hershey

Make a Rose Block to be included in the drawing.
8-1/2" inches unfinished with a beige or off white background.
Color and style of the Rose is your choice.

Please RSVP by Feb. 23rd, 2007. Space is limited so make your Reservations early.
Call Betty at 837-9565 or email:

Hope to see you there!

March 2007 Stitch n’ Times

February 23rd, 2007

Jan Andrews just sent me the latest edition of our guild newsletter to upload to the website!   The "Meeting Place" is a new feature to help introduce the elected officers and appointed committee members to our membership.  "Just a Thimbleful" has another wonderful article by Marilyn Swanson. Sharon Fry’s "Library News" has some great new books for us to check out and curl up and enjoy on these cold winter evenings. —Again, Thank you Jan for another enjoyable edition of Stitch n’ Times!

“Weed Whacker” with Jan Andrews

February 21st, 2007

The upcoming Technique Sharing Workshop taught by Jan Andrews features the "Weed Whacker " quilt pattern.

Click here to download the supply list and instructions.

Wal-Mart Save the Fabric Dept. Petition

February 16th, 2007

Hi All,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

   "Wal-Mart — Save the Full-Service Fabric Department!"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too.  If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.

Best wishes,

Fran Wessel

Fabric Sheets

February 16th, 2007

If you do a lot of photo transfer, but don’t want to make your own fabric sheets to run through the printer, you may want to try this online source to purchase them.  I have been using them to make the name tag kits for the new members and find they are just as nice as Printed Treasures, and less expensive overall.  The results are soft and pliable.

Just on a trial run I purchased the 10 pack and also received a bonus of 2 extra Mircle Fabric Sheets. The cost was $14.84 (plus shipping) which averaged out to $1.49 per sheet compared to Printed Treasures which can cost $3.24 sheet unless you have a discount coupon. Also C. Jenkins "Miracle Fabric Sheets" come in bulk if you want to purchase a large quanity.  You can read more about these fabric sheets here at
Soft Expressions.

You can save even more on multiple package purchases of this brand.  Here are some of the prices. Please do some comparison shopping of course, but I thought these fabric sheets were a good bargain even with shipping charges.

1 Pack of 10 sheets for the price of 8
Our price: $14.84
($1.49 a sheet)
MSRP: $16.49

2 packs (20 Sheets)
Our price: $29.00
MSRP: $32.98

3 packs (30 Sheets)
Our price: $42.00

MSRP: $50.55

5 packs (50 Sheets)
Our price: $67.50
MSRP: $82.45

10 packs (100 Sheets)
Our price: $132.50
MSRP: $164.90

15 packs (150 Sheets)
Our price: $197.88
MSRP: $247.35

February Show n’ Tell Pictures

February 16th, 2007

All the wonderful quilting project pictures that were shown at Thursday’s meeting (Feb.15th)   Show n’ Tell are now on the Website! Enjoy!

March Newsletter Deadline

February 15th, 2007
March Newsletter Deadline
I’d like to have your submissions for the March newsletter by Sunday, Feb. 18th.  Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need more time.
Jan Andrews