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Comments on the Blog

February 13th, 2007

Sharon Fry suggested I write a short tutorial here because some of you may not know how to post a Comment here on the Blog site.  I hope this helps.

 In order to post a Comment to a message posted on the website Blog, you must first be on the actual website and at the Blog. You cannot post a Comment from your email notification from Feedlitz if you receive such notifications

The Blog was set up as part of our new updated website in March 2006 so members of the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild could share and exchange information regarding a wide variety of topics online. The Blog gives members the opportunity to post messages and have ongoing Comments while interacting with other members who are also using the Blog. When you visit the Blog you will see messages posted by me from other members or myself.

If you want something posted to the Blog, please forward it to me directly. You cannot post your own message directly to the Blog. It was set up this way for security reasons.

Under each message posted to the Blog down under the last sentence it will give the Catagory first: Like Guild News/ —and then it will have the wording "No Comments" or in the case of the currant topic of "Comfort Food" it will say "4 Comments". (Some of us have been chatting about the recipe posted here.)

Any member can post a Comment, at any time. Comments do not have to be sent to me.  Only the original postings.

So, if there is a topic of discussion posted here that you wish to Comment on…..just mouse click on the wording : Comments. 

 A new page will appear that says: Leave a Reply.  It will ask for your name, your email address, and if you have a website you can fill that section in. If you don’t, leave it blank. Below those sections is rectangular blank area. This is where you can start writing your Comment. Mouse click in that rectangular area—and start typing. When you are finished scroll down under the section you just wrote in, and click on the "Submit Comment" box.

After you have clicked on "Submit Comment" you can leave the page. When you return to the Blog and look at the original message you will notice that it now says: 1 Comment.  Or however many Comments were posted by individual members.

If you want to read Comments. Just mouse click on the 1 Comment, or however many it says…and the page will open to reveal all the Comments that were posted. You can then post another Comment or Reply to a Comment already made.

This is often referred to on the internet as "Chatting". Chatting on a Group Forum or Commenting on a Blog entry essentially work in the same way. 

I hope this  tutorial helps. If you need more information, I have hand-outs for anyone who needs more information, or contact me via email to ask questions.

SRQG Webby

Comfort Food for a Rainy Day

February 9th, 2007

It’s one of those "comfort food" days at our house. Here is one of our favorites. "Creamy Vanilla-Almond Custard".  This recipe makes 6 individual servings. I found this recipe a few years ago in the Press Democrat.
Creamy Vanilla-Almond Custard

2-1/2   cups skim or 1% milk

1        cup of Egg substitute

1/3     cup of sugar.  (I use part reg. sugar, and part Splenda)

1 tsp. Vanilla extract

1/4 tsp.  Almond extract

Vegetable cooking spray.

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine first 5 ingredients in a bowl; stir well. I use my portable mixer on low.
Spray six-6 oz. custard cups with vegetable spray (PAM) and pour custard mixture
evenly into the custard cups.  Place cups in a large shallow 9" x 13" baking pan: add
hot water to the pan the depth of approx. 1" inch.

Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour -15 mins., or until a knife inserted in the center of the custard comes out clean. Remove cups from water and cool slightly. Cover and chill thoroughly.  Optional: Sprinkle evenly with sliced Almonds before serving. Enjoy!

Note: Only four custard cups in the photo because I used 9 oz. cups!

One of the new Catagories on the Blog is Recipes, along with Sewing Spaces. If you have anything to share on the Blog, please forward it to me at

SRQG Webby 

Signing Up for Feedblitz

February 3rd, 2007

If anyone is reluctant to try signing up for Feedblitz for any reason, the process is much easier now. Also, if you want , I can personally sign you up and all you need to do is "Confirm" your Subscription which will be a form type letter that arrives in your email box. Just email me and I can sign you to Feedblitz’s automatic email notification which allows you to know when something has changed here on the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Blog.  Feedblitz sends out notices daily regarding changes here. 

Our Catagories as of this Date are:

Guild News
Library News
Places to Go & Things to Do
Pointless Sisters Art Quilt Group
–and Websites–with more to come!

If you want to add a Catagory just let me know. As a member this is your " space" on the Website to let other members know about all sorts of information that you feel like chatting about.  If you need help on how to participate in "blogging here", please feel free to contact me. 

~Angie, SRQG web.

February 1st Show and Tell Pictures

February 2nd, 2007

The most currant pictures for Feb. 1st  meeting on now on the website at Show n’ Tell.  The pictures turned out great! Thank you everyone for taking a few moments to stand by your quilts.  It really helps Joanie get nice clear pictures with the digital camera.


Wounded Warrior Center at Camp Pendleton

February 2nd, 2007
Just wanted to send you the info on the Wounded Warrior Center at Camp Pendleton. This is where I send the quilts. We have sent 3 and soon I will send 3 more. This is such a great project.

Hello everyone!
I went to the WWC on Wednesday but have been so busy with tax stuff that I didn’t have time to write this.  Everyone there is BUSY, too!  SSgt was out; GySgt was dealing with a repair order and the Marines there were just about ready to leave for chow.  Believe me you do not want to stand in front of a man heading for the mess hall…

My regular digital camera disappeared as I was searching for stuff in preparation for the trip so I used my backup.  Hopefully the shots will attach as usual rather than the irritating little attachments you have to open one at a time.

If you remember the last news I had a shot of the long hallway in the living quarters.  What didn’t show was the door hardware.  They have a lock to enter the dorm, but to exit you push on the metal bar which opens the door.  Turns out a LOT of the Marines have a side-effect from their wounds – wretched headaches.  The clanging and banging of that door hardware exacerbated their pain so it was removed.  The GySgt was working with a man to figure out a suitable replacement that met fire code but was QUIET.  No detail is too small to keep these guys on their path to healing.  Pretty impressive in my book…..

Because everyone was so busy (or preoccupied with food….) I didn’t get a head count of how many had been discharged like I promised.  There are twelve residents now, so each room has a person and any more will mean double occupancy. 
What was delivered?  Jane L from MN sent one, as did Jeanette G from CO.  Theirs arrived on a day when I was doing a tax return for a GySgt not from the WWC.  He told me that as a Marine he had seen so much that **nothing** surprised him.  When we opened the boxes and he saw their two quilts he was quiet, then told me that he had not been shocked into silence in a very long time.  He sent his heartfelt thanks for the work that is being done on behalf of his fellow Marines.  Janet D of CA sent a Giants baseball team fleece throw, and Alyce A from the Immanuel Lutheran Church of Maynard MN sent FIVE quilts.  My math tells me that this makes 29 quilts I’ve delivered since they opened in August.  Blessings and thanks to you all, and to everyone who is still laboring on these wonderful gifts.

These shots were definitely candid shots, as the Marines were trying to make a rapid exit for chow. 

I’ll be crunching numbers for a while to earn my keep, but please know my thoughts are with you, in spite of the dancing numbers spinning around in my brain….

Therese Thomas, EA
Thomas Tax Preparation
Home (760) 749-3794
Home office (760) 751-2542
Fax (760) 860-5301

Some Unusual and Interesting Websites!

February 2nd, 2007

 I don’t know if  any of you have seen these websites. They are very interesting. 

At "Driven to Quilt" Cliff found podcasts by Nadine Ruggles.  Although she is
no longer doing the podcasts (there are 14) all the ones I have listened to
(through #10) are very interesting.  In the tenth podcast she mentions the
next two websites. 

If nothing else, you must check out the quilts at
gofraser….he is a woodcarver, and all the quilts are WOOD!!! 

The next website is an artist who painted quilt patterns on barns in Ohio (you have
to go to "Portfolio" to see them).   ~Sharon Mills

Wonderful Quilt-a-Thon Day!

February 2nd, 2007

Dear Friends,

I could not have asked for a better Quilt-a-thon day. This was the best one ever! There were at least 25 sewing machines going and a counted  82 people working on the quilts. Such excitement filled the air! People were laughing and visiting and having a great time. To me this is what quilting is all about. All of us working together to accomplish so much for our community. I was really tired when I came home but it was a good tired because I enjoyed what I was doing.

When I came to our meeting yesterday I brought 190 quilts to be completed. I thought that would be enough for us to work on for one day. To my surprise and amazement we had been working for only a short time when I thought we might run out of quilts.  I sent Mirna home to pick up the other 60 I had ready. We had 250 quilts we worked on!  I brought home only 6 quilts with pins in them, and the rest were all stitched at least once, but  ready for the next steps to completion. 


A fast count was 30 are completed, and 190 ready to trim, turn and quilt.  Many more  went home with members to finish.

Barbara and the kitchen volunteers had such a great lunch for us. Starbucks provided coffee  which is always such a big hit. A special thank you to those of you who provided the wonderful food.
During our lunch break Sharon Fry gave us a great preview of all the new books. I really enjoyed hearing about the new books and I want to thank Sharon for postponing her report until we broke for lunch.

I hope everyone had a good time yesterday.  As for me it was one of the best days ever!
 Thanks to all of you.


February Business Meeting Minutes

February 1st, 2007

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
February 1, 2007

The meeting was called to order by president Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The January minutes are now on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Judith Clark moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Mirna Estes seconded.  Accepted..  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details.



Glenda Ross still needs volunteers to sell opportunity quilt tickets at the Home Show on March 17.

Table hostesses are still needed for the Tri-Guild Luncheon.  Please let Betty Upchurch know if you are willing to host a table.  Also, Norma Viglienzone needs one more person to help in the kitchen.
Committee Reports

Angie Kiker, web master, has developed a tutorial on how to post comments on the blog.  Please see Angie if you would like a copy of the tutorial.

Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs.  Samples for the next few workshops are on display. Phyllis also highlighted the upcoming Moonlight Quilter’s programs.

Mini-Group:  The UFO group meets the 2nd Thursday of the month.  They will meet next week at Vandy Noble’s.  All are welcome.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper encouraged everyone to participate in the friendship block program. 

TSW:  Diana Roberts  reviewed the upcoming technique sharing workshops. 

Sew A Row:  Jan Andrews reported that the sew a rows are now ready for the 2nd row to be added.  Please sign up, add the row and bring it back.

Block of the Month:  Kathy Hannon presented the block of the month for February.  The directions are on the web site. The January blocks were won by Lynn Williams.

Community Quilts:  Lavella thanked everyone for coming today to work on the community quilts.  She has brought lots of quilts to work on.

Membership:  Pat Kearns reported that the 2007 rosters are available.  On March 15, during the TSW time, they will be doing a new member orientation.  It is not limited to new members.  They will be inviting new members who joined in 2006, but did not renew their membership.  They will also be including a name tag kit with the manual for new members.  If other members would like a kit, they will be available for purchase.

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:35AM and the quilt a thon began.

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

February 2007 Stitch n’ Times

January 31st, 2007

The currant issue of Stitch n’ Times is now available to download on at our website. As always, Jan Andrew’s has done a wonderful job of presenting us with the most up to date guild happenings! Thanks Jan!

“Crystal Star” Block of the Month

January 31st, 2007


"Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight."
-a favorite children’s poem, believed to be of late 19th century
American origins. (

We hope everyone had fun sewing our first STAR Block-of-the-Month for
2007!  Here is a reminder for the steps to turn in your January’s
"CRYSTAL STAR" at the beginning of Thursday’s February 1st meeting.
The basket and materials will be at the back of the meeting room,
along with the February pattern. For any questions see Kathy or

1. Identify each block with your name. One quick way is safety pinned
paper. Put your blocks in the B.O.M. basket.

2. Sign the January log with how many blocks you are returning, √check
off if you return a block for the Drawing and √check off if you turn
in block(s) for Community quilts. As many Community blocks as you wish
to make are always welcome!

3. Sign the small ticket to participate in the Drawing held at the end
of our meeting.

4. Pick up the new B.O.M. pattern "DOUBLE FRIENDSHIP STAR" and sign
the new log. The February blocks are due March 1st – our first
Thursday Guild meeting of the month.

Have fun sewing stars!

Note: The Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation can be found at

~Kathy Hannan^v^