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Coming Event: Quilt-a-Thon!

January 30th, 2007

I hope to see you on Thursday at our first 2007 Quilt-a-thon!  We all get together with our needles, threads, scissors and sewing machines and work on the  quilts for our Guild Community Projects. We have a fun time! We start sewing at 10:30 and sew, sew, sew!
I was shy and didn’t know quite what to do or help with the first time I joined in on a Quilt-a-thon, but I remember one of the guild members took me over to one of the tables and showed me how to even out the edges on the batting for one of the baby quilts, and when I was done with that I helped put some labels on the quilts. I was not only enjoying helping out, I was also getting to know other guild members I had never had a chance to meet or chat with before and I was learning more about quilting in the process. I was a new quilter and had never seen such mass production quilting activity before. :o)
Quilts everywhere! In various stages of completion. Quilters bent over sewing machines with piles of quilts around them and  quilters tossing quilts around from one table to another. One group of quilters layering quilts,  while other’s  are sewing them shut! 
I seldom miss a Quilt-a-thon! I just feel so good after participating in this event. :o) I load my car the night before with my supplies checking and double checking that I have the important things I need….if you are bringing your sewing machine, don’t forget your power cord! (been there, done that.) :o)
If you can’t bring your sewing machine, then just bring yourself— and of course your basic sewing supplies because there is always  hand work to do. If you can’t stay–we will miss you!  (and you will miss the fun) Hopefully you can take a few quilts home to work on too. See you very soon!


Finches on the Feeder

January 26th, 2007

Glenda Ross and I were discussing how many finches are visiting the thistle feeders lately. I can count 16  on ours in this picture. Sometimes they crowd on 20 or more while the others wait out in the branches to come in and eat. Tiny Acrobats!

The Pointless Sisters

January 24th, 2007
The Pointless Sisters
The Pointless Sisters, an open mini-group of the guild that focuses on art and contemporary quilt making, is busy and having fun as always!  At present, we are working on coordinating a Pointless Sisters art quilt show at the Rincon Valley Regional Library which will run from March 7 to May 7, 2006.  We are also busy creating next year’s art  opportunity quilt to contribute to the guild’s fundraising. This quilt will involve some fun fabric painting techniques so we are enjoying learning how to use the various paints and working on components of the quilt together.  We also have our usual Pointless Sisters challenge in the works, with members’ challenge quilts to be revealed at our March meeting.  This year’s challenge is to make a quilt using ONLY muslin!  We can paint, dye, embellish, color, or treat the muslin any way we want for our creation, but we have to start with bleached muslin.  We’re stretching ourselves and exploring our creativity and doing a lot of laughing along the way.
The Pointless Sisters mini-group is open to any guild member.  Please come check us out!  We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 10am to noon at the Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center.  Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 27, 2007.  Call or email Diane Hock or Linda Hemenway if you have any questions. 

Items Listed For Sale

January 22nd, 2007

Hi Everyone,
If in the past I have posted an Item for sale here on the SRQG website Blog for you and it SOLD. Please let me know so I can remove that entry. Thanks!


You Outta’ Be in Pictures!

January 22nd, 2007

All the Show n’ Tell pictures that Joanie Bellinghausen, our wonderful photographer takes are now on the Website! I had a bit of fun this time "framing" some of the members pictures.  Happy Valentines Day!

Tri Guild Luncheon

January 22nd, 2007

The Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
invites you to the
Tri Guild Luncheon
"Everything is Coming Up Roses"

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007
10:30 a.m – 2:00 p.m.
Scottish Rite/Masonic Lodge
600 Acacia Lane

Lunch served at 11:30

Door Prizes!

Guest Speaker will be Kerry Hershey

Make a Rose Block to be included in the drawing.
8-1/2" inches unfinished with a beige or off white background.
Color and style of the Rose is your choice.

Please RSVP by Feb. 23rd, 2007. Space is limited so make your Reservations early.
Call Betty at 837-9565 or email:

Hope to see you there!

A Special Thank You!

January 19th, 2007

A Special Thank You to all the members of the Guild.  I was overwhelmed by
your gift of Rose of Sharon blocks.  I couldn’t wait to get home and put
them all up on my design wall, which turned out to be not quite big enough!

I just pinned them up without any planning and it is "Spectacular".  I very
much enjoyed being your President last year and look forward to sitting with
all of you this year and getting a chance to visit and know you all better.

~Sharon Mills

Melissa’s Mystery Quilt for Feb. 15th, 2007

January 18th, 2007

Mystery Quilt Instructions for SRQG for Thurs., Feb. 15, 2007

I am offering two options for this quilt.  The first is making all blocks out of coordinated scraps.  The second option is using a focus fabric and three other fabrics.  Finished blocks are 6" square.  Top will be 36" without borders.  Extra fabric for borders in not included.

Scrap Option:  Pick six each of different mediums and darks.  Pick one light fabric (or a bunch of light scraps.)  You can color coordinate mediums and darks, i.e., pink/red, lavender/purple, lime/green  OR just cut up the scrapbag.  You do need contrast between the darks, mediums, etc.

Cutting Instructions for Scrap Option: 

18" of light (background fabric) or enough scraps to cut 36 rectangles – 3 1/2" by 4 1/2"

six pieces of medium fabric- cut 6 squares – each 3 1/2" square from each medium 

six pieces of dark fabric – cut 3 rectangles – each 6 1/2" by 7 1/2"


Cutting Info for Controlled Option:

Pick your focus fabric, one light (background), one medium and one dark.  Focus fabric will be used as an alternate setting block.

Cutting instructions:

24" of focus fabric, cut into 3 strips – 6 1/2", then cut 18 squares, each 6 1/2" square
(doesn’t include extra fabric for border)

9" of light (background), cut 2 strips – 4 1/2", then cut 18 rectangles, 3 1/2" by 4 1/2"

9" of medium, cut 2 strips – 3 1/2", then cut 18 squares, 3 1/2" squares

24" of dark, cut 3 strips – 7 1/2", then cut into 18 rectangles – 6 1/2" by 7 1/2"

Design does not have borders, but is easy to add to.  This design makes a very cute baby quilt or a great Valentine wallhanging, a fun lap quilt, etc. The block is a fun one to make and the results are cute, too!

Please bring your sewing machine, bobbin, needles, extension cord, rotary cutting supplies – mat, cutter, ruler (6 1/2" square if you have one), table top ironing board and iron, seat cushion and positive attitude.

We will work together after the meeting on Feb. 15th.  You bring your smile and name tag, I will bring the chocolate and the instructions.

Please e-mail or call Melissa she is listed in the SRQG Membership roster.



What Sizes are Community Quilts?

January 16th, 2007

Frequently I get questions about what size of quilts we need for our Community Quilts projects.  Here is that information:

  • Primarily 32" x 42" which is the smallest (Sutter Hospital Neonatal Unit).
  • Then I prefer 42" x 42" for Toddlers.
  • For the bigger kids I make 42" x 50".
  • —and then 42" x 45" on up to 60" long for Seniors.

This gives me a good range of sizes. I just try to avoid piecing "quilt backs" as much as possible. Thank you Everyone!

Hope this helps,

Community Projects

January 2007 SRQG Minutes

January 10th, 2007

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
January 4, 2007

The meeting was called to order by past president Bob Oliver at 10:05 AM.

Guests were introduced and welcomed.

Bob Oliver recognized the outgoing board and the accomplishments of the guild over the past six years.  He also recognized Sharon Frye, Betty Upchurch, Phyllis Gallaway and Jan Andrews for their special contributions to the guild.  The guild started small and has grown to a larger guild, which speaks well of the leadership of the guild.

Bob Oliver read the names of the nominations for the 2007 board. Dottie Zagar moved to nominate the 2007 board as read.  Seconded.  Passed.  Bob turned the meeting over to the 2007 President, Pam McVey.

Pam McVey introduced the 2007-committee chair persons.

MINUTES:  The December minutes are now on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  The December minutes are accepted as posted.  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details.

2007 Budget:  Copies of the 2007 Budget are available on each table. Pam McVey reviewed the 2007 budget.  Discussion.  Lynn Williams moved that the 2007 budget be accepted as printed.  Dottie Zagar seconded.  Passed.



Maggie Dunn announced that effective January 1st, Teddy Bear Quilts has been sold to Linda McQueen and the new name is Quilted Vine. They now have a web site, which is

Nicole from Material Girl announced that they are now in their new location.  They are having the grand opening from January 15 through 20, with the party on January 20.  Quilt Guild members will receive 5% off their purchases. They will also be doing the 2nd annual Windsor Quilt and Garden Show in July. 

Elizabeth Marrs and Dotty Zagar, who are members of Inter Wheel (Rotary Wives) presented the guild with a check for the community checks. Lavella Cassinelli accepted on behalf of the guild.  Elizabeth Marrs and Linda Morand are available to make a presentation to any service organization.

Bob Oliver made members aware of online classes through

Committee Reports

Membership: Janice Jewell announced that the 2007 membership cards are available for members whose checks have been processed

Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs.  Samples for the next three months are on display.  The times for the workshops have been changed to 9:00 AM to 3:30PM with a half hour for lunch.  The instructors contract for six hour workshops and Phyllis wants to make sure we get the full six hours.  Phyllis review workshop etiquette The Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center is a pet free facility and more or less a child free facility.  The cost of the workshops will be increased to $35 effective March 2007.

Opportunity Quilt:  Glenda Ross asked for volunteers to sell tickets for the opportunity quilts at the Spring Home show, which is March 16 through March 18. This is one of the biggest events for the guild.  At this time, we are behind in our projected sale of tickets and need a push to finish well.

New Opportunity Quilt:  Janet Shore thanked everyone who had made a block for the new opportunity Quilt Blocks are due now

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper explained the program. Marilyn Altenbach has put together the friendship blocks for Fran Wetzel. Marilyn will finish the quilt and get it off to Fran.

Hospitality:  Barbara Cortelyou asked members to sign up for refreshments for their birthday month and half birthday month. (January and July).

TSW:  Holly Palma reviewed the technique sharing workshops. 

Sew A Row:  Jan Andrews is still accepting starter rows for the sew a row program.  Sign up early, sign up often.

Block of the Month:  Justine Lott and Linda Morand thanked everyone for their participation in the program.  The December blocks went to Linda Zimmer.  During 2006, a total of 124 blocks were made for the community quilt project.  They will be making up packets to finish the tops and have them available at the next meeting.

Kathy Hannon presented the 2007 theme, which is Classical Stars. The block for January is crystal star.  The directions are on the web site.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli reported that she has deliver 11 quilts to Pam McVey who in turn delivered them to the Tri City Coalition for Homeless Children.  The first quilt a thon will be February 1, 2007.  Sutter Hospital will be providing lunch.

Lavella is getting ready to send the grant letters for 2007.  If anyone knows of a service organization that support non-profit organizations, please let her know and she will send them a letter.

Sunshine:  Jenine Geblin asked that she be notified when someone is in need or sick.

UFO: Challenge Melissa Trunick explained the UFO challenge. Members showed their ufo’s which are due May 17.  There will be a second challenge later in the year.

The nametag and 50/50 drawings were held, followed by Show and Tell.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary