Minutes for the December General Meeting
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
December 6, 2007
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM.
New members and guests were introduced and welcomed to the guild.
MINUTES: The November minutes were published and filed in the minute’s binder. Pam asked for question or corrections. Lonnie Moore moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Dottie Zagar seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurers report. Pam requested questions on the 2008 proposed budget. A vote by the general membership for the 2008 budget was passed.
Watching all of the horrendous devastations caused to the San Diego area by the wildfires, Linda Morand is donating a quilt to be raffled. The money raised will be donated to the victims. She will be selling raffle tickets during the meeting and a winner will be chosen at the end.
Doris Maneke the 2007 recording secretary is doing well after her surgery.
Two get well cards will be circulating for signatures during meeting.
Pam McVey announced she has received a resignation letter for Angie Kiker as our Webmaster. Angie is willing to help train a new person for the position. Thank you Angie for a job well done.
Marguerite Li showed samples of the items: shawls, purses, dolls, necklaces, etc. made by the Cherkasy Women’s Center in Ukraine. Last year the guild members donated fabric to the Cherkasy Center for their projects.
Jan Andrews held the drawings for the Sew-A-Row program commencing 2007. There were 33 different items this year. She explained how the program runs. You have until the first meeting in January to submit a starter row for the coming year.
Melissa Turnick – UFO and WIPS: Melissa explained how the UFO (unfinished fabric objects) and WIP (works in progress) challenge works. The UFO starts in January, ending the last meeting of May. Anyone wishing to participate may bring his or her unfinished projects and $5.00.
Lavella Cassinelli – Community Projects: A total of 1,106 quilts have been delivered to the community. A quantity break down of the individual recipients is published in the December newsletter. The quilt-a-thons for the upcoming year will be held the first meeting in January, May and October after the business meetings.
Judith Clarke – Boutique: Congratulations every member of the quilt guild is now a member of the boutique committee. The boutique is always looking for new ideas. Judith showed some of the items the boutique currently has: pin cushion, design boards, bags, hot pads, name tags, etc. A Christmas wall hanging from Betty Upchurch will be raffled today.
Tera Antaree & Janet Shore – Technique Sewing Workshops: Requesting ideas for the 2008’s TSW. Two of the workshops for the upcoming year are Phyllis Galloway’s “Almost Fail-proof Inset Seams by Machine” January 3,
and Diana Roberts Machine Quilting”.
Mary Wood – Program Chair Elect: Announced the programs for the first 3 months of the New Year. “Slice ‘em and Dice’em”by Nancy Brenan Brown, January 18. “Paint Sticks”: Make any Fabric your own by Mickey Depre, an additional fee of $27.50 paid to Michey Depre, February 22. “Wagon Wheel Quilt” by Mary Mashuta, March 21.
Mary reviewed the procedures and payments for the workshops.
Linda Hooper – Friendship Blocks: Linda introduced two new blocks, Fall Garden for Joyce Wood and Bunnies for Valeska Lattin. Linda showed the completed blocks that were turned in this month.
Kathy Hannan & Justine Lott – Block of the Month: Joyce Wood won the drawing for the Rising Star block. Decembers block is Twinkling Star or Time and Tide due the first meeting in January. Kathy explained how the scrap exchange would be held for the 2008 Stars from Star Dust blocks. There will be more information coming on the challenge quilt project for next year.
Barbara Cortelyou – Hospitality: Barbara has agreed to continue with this position for the upcoming year. She thanked all of her helpers for their special assistance during the year and today for our holiday party.
Sharon Fry – Librarian: Sharon introduced new books and magazines for the month. The library has all of author Ruth McDowell’s books now. She will be showing how she hangs her quilts in the back of the room today for anyone who is interested.
Janice Juul – Membership: Reminder that our membership fees are currently due by January 1, 2008.
Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and nametag drawings.
Dotty Zagar won the raffled red, white and blue top held for the San Diego fire victims held by Linda Morand.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 AM
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis, Interim Recording Secretary
February 26th, 2008 at 2:59 pm
Embroidery Sewing Machines – How to Choose the Best
The variety of embroidery sewing machines is amazing. There is no stitch or pattern