
February Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
February 5, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:03 AM.


Doris Maneke, a long time member of the Guild, is in the final stages of cancer. (She passed away on February 7.)

The Tri-Guild Luncheon is full and there is a waiting list.
Representatives from Moonlighters announced the Tri-Guild Luncheon at the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Rosa on Saturday, March 28 at 11 AM. Nicole Cowlin of Material Girl in Windsor will be the keynote speaker. Reservations are being taken.

The Petaluma Quilt Guild will host its annual auction on February 3 at the Petaluma Veterans Building.

Speaker: Guild member Judy Mathieson gave a slide and trunk show.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported that the 2009 budget is on track so far. The new checking account provides easy reporting.

Committee Reports:

Membership-Anne Dondero: Memberships renewed at the meeting will be included in the 2009 roster. New cards and rosters will be available at the next meeting.

MQSC Liaison – Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis described the machine appliqué Baltimore Album workshop offered by MCQC. The quilt show will be held the first weekend in June. The deadline for submissions is April 1. Forms will be on line in a couple of weeks. Quilts do not have to be complete by April 1.

Friendship Block-Veline Ball: Veline shared several new blocks

Technique Sharing Workshops-Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: The 2009 schedule is being finalized. Phyllis demonstrated the February 19 TSW – a foundation-pieced heart that can be turned into a name tag. Sign up at the February 19 meeting for the March 5 TSW “Using Color in Quilts” which will include a critique of color and value in completed quilts.
***Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Genie modeled the vest which is the next workshop. There are still openings for the March workshop “Make your own Garden with Andi Perejda.

Sew-A-Row – Jan Andrews: Two “rows” have yet to be turned in. The drawing will be the first meeting in March. Contact Joanie Bellinghausen if you have questions about 2009 sew-a-rows.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: The first two blocks of this year’s program “Create a Village” are on line. Various techniques will be used to make the blocks throughout the year

Community Smart Cards – Linda Sims: Linda reported that the Guild made $1116 from the program last year. Participating vendors are on the web site and a rotating list will be in the newsletter.

Community Projects-Lavella Cassinelli: Lavella has delivered over 100 quilts to date. Valley of the Moon will be at the April 2 meeting and they usually receive 100 quilts .

Librarian-Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of brand new and donated books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:46 AM and the Quiltathon began.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

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